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名称 类别 描述  
CFAs for WPC Sheet and Decking Case Study (Snapshot) CFA solution that offered energy savings and manufacturing efficiencies 查看
Superior Packaging Impact with Anti-Fog - White Paper 白皮书 Prevent fogging of your transparent food packaging 查看
网络研讨会:聚酮,下一代可持续尼龙替代品 Webinar Learn more about polyketone, how it compares to nylons, its sustainability value, and potential applications in this free on-demand webinar 查看
服务能力概览 Product/Service Overview 通过 Avient 的特种工程材料了解全面的技术服务,以便为客户提供帮助 查看
复合弓握把 Case Study (Snapshot) Nymax™ 尼龙基材和 Versaflex™ TPE 包覆成型相结合,为弓箭 OEM 提供结构完整性和舒适性 查看
Industrial Paint Sprayer Case Study (Snapshot) Flame retardant and colorant solution for an industrial paint sprayer 查看
ColorMatrix™ FlexOne™ - A Sustainable Solution for Liquid Metering 视频 ColorMatrix™ FlexOne™ - with a smaller footprint and sustainable features, FlexOne™ is designed to meet current and future liquid metering requirements for a range of applications within the polymer industry. 查看
reSound™ Ultra-Low Carbon Footprint TPEs - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview  Overview of key characteristics, benefits and technical properties of these eco-conscious grades 查看
reSound™ 超低碳足迹 TPE 视频 Explore these eco-conscious materials offering a negative, neutral or near-zero product carbon footprint. 查看
Silcosperse™ Flame Retardant Additives Product/Service Overview Learn about the applications and key benefits of Silcosperse Flame Retardant Additives 查看
Achieving Bright, Beautiful, Sustainable Packaging by l'Oréal and Avient 视频 Find out how Avient helped L'Oréal achieve color consistency across their global PCR packaging with the PCR Color Prediction Service. 查看
Colorant and Additive Solutions for Small Appliances Product/Service Overview Overview of products and services for appliances 查看
水系电池垫片 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE 为要求严苛的储能应用提供出色的密封性和耐化学腐蚀性 查看
ColorMatrix™ Small Order Service for Polyolefins - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Designed to simplify the ordering process for small lot colorant orders  查看
ColorMatrix™ FlexOne™ Brochure Product/Service Overview A sustainable solution for liquid metering 查看
Cesa™ Nox A4R Additives for Recycling - Polyolefin Antioxidant for Enhanced Recycling 视频 Cesa™ Nox A4R is a specialized antioxidant additive that stabilizes polyolefins during processing, preventing the typical defects like discoloration, gels, and black spots—during initial, and future conversion steps and recycling loops.  查看
Complēt™ 防潮长纤维热塑性尼龙 视频 Complēt™ Moisture Resistant Long Fiber Thermoplastic Nylons provide gradual moisture uptake to maintain structural properties longer 查看
Hoyt VITALPOINT Grip - 案例研究 案例分析 了解 Versaflex™ 柔软触感热塑性弹性体如何提高准确性和舒适度,同时保持射箭弓的握把设计 查看
Profile and Sheet Extrusion for Rails and Kick Plates Case Study (Snapshot) Cesa™ Flame Retardants solution to meet extruder's key requirements 查看
CFAs for Waste Management OEM Case Study (Snapshot) Solid and liquid CFA solutions for industrial containers 查看
Edgetek™ 聚碳酸酯激光焊接配方 - 视频 视频 具有受控的激光传输率和焊缝宽度,可提供优异的强度和光滑的表面光洁度,提升零件设计的自由度,并实现各种颜色的配方。 查看
Hammerhead 船用复合板 - 视频 视频 Hammerhead 船用复合板由连续玻璃纤维增强热塑性面板和聚酯泡沫芯制成,旨在让船舶制造商获得简化的安装、持久耐用的组件以及降低总成本。 查看
飞盘高尔夫球盘 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE 提供一种多功能材料,可实现多种球盘功能、颜色和特性 查看
石油和天然气用增强热塑性塑料管 Case Study (Snapshot) 提供与与 HDPE 相容的材料,并起到了加固作用以满足爆裂强度要求 查看
Complēt™ REC Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics 视频 现推出含有消费后回收和后工业回收材料的 Complēt REC 长纤维增强热塑性塑料 (LFT) 查看
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