
Fabric-Like Effect


Adds the Appearance of Fabric

Smartbatch™ Fabric FX color and additive concentrates help manufacturers design and manufacture attractive parts that appear to be covered with fabric, but without the hassle and cost of applying textiles.

The addition of fabric to a thermoplastic part can help to increase its appeal, partly because the fabric softens the look and feel of the surface. However, the application of fabric also adds significant cost and processing complexity. In addition, because it is difficult to bond textiles to parts with intricate curves and shapes, the application of fabric can limit design options and increase scrap rates. 

Smartbatch Fabric FX concentrates can greatly simplify the manufacturing process, producing an attractive part with the appearance of fabric, but much easier to clean. Molds can be textured to resemble any number of textile surfaces and effects.

Smartbatch Fabric FX is an excellent choice for automotive interior parts, furniture, and other applications where the look and feel of fabric is desirable. It can be incorporated into many types of polymers, including ABS and PC/ABS.  Fabric graining and color can be tailored to achieve color harmony with the complete finished part.


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  • Attractive surface appearance without textile application
  • Standard injection molding (no secondary processes required)
  • Low-scrap manufacturing
  • Simplified logistics
  • Improved durability – parts are easy to clean


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