
GridCore™ Composite Utility Poles

GridCore™ Composite Utility Poles

Lightweight, Durable Poles. Stronger Power Grid.

GridCore™ Composite Utility Poles from Avient are engineered to enhance grid resilience as an excellent alternative to wood, steel, or concrete electrical poles and structures. Compared to traditional pole materials, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are more durable, require less maintenance, and provide a longer service life. They are also significantly lighter in weight, enabling safe and simple installation. 

Key performance advantages include:
Lower Total System and Lifecycle Cost: With an expected service life of up to 80 years, GridCore poles are developed for resilience. The extended lifecycle can result in overall cost savings compared to wood poles, which require replacement every 30-40 years due to aging, damage, or failure.

Low-Maintenance, Pest-resistant: Composite poles only need a visual inspection and will not sustain damage from woodpeckers or insects reducing maintenance and repair costs. For more severe damage, repairs are simplified with available repair kits and instructions.

Customized, Consistent Quality: Manufactured using a continuous pultrusion process, GridCore poles are engineered for consistent strength and uniform appearance to eliminate warping, shrinkage, or splintering. The uniform diameter requires only one size through-bolt length to simplify assembly and reduce outage time. 

Lightweight = Safe, Simple Installation: Significantly lighter comparable to wood and concrete poles, GridCore poles can be installed using light-duty equipment and without expensive cranes. Excellent dielectric strength allows for easy installation near energized lines.


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  • Lower Total System & Lifetime Cost
  • Low Maintenance & Resistant to Pests
  • Customized & Consistent Material
  • Lightweight & Safe Installation


Product Overview & Selection Guide: GridCore™ Composite Utility Poles

Explore our composite utility pole portfolio.

Glasforms™ Electrical Components

Composite materials for power transmission and distribution products.

Advanced Composites Overview

Explore Avient’s Advanced Composites portfolio.

FRP Pole Sectional Properties
FRP Pole Sectional Properties
Pole Size 14.0 x .750 in 14.0 x .500 in 12.0 x .375 in
Outer diameter (in) 14 14 12
Wall thickness (in) 0.75 0.5 0.375
Inner diameter (in) 12.5 13 11.3
Moment of Inertia, I (in⁴) 687 484 232
Flex. stiff., EI (lb-in² 10⁶) 4124 2903 1390
Section modulus, S (in³) 98.2 69.1 38.6
Allowable moment,The extended lifecycle can result in overall cost savings compared to wood poles, which require replacement every 30-40 years due to aging, damage, or failure.ΦFS (kip-ft) 368 259 145
Cross Sectional area, A (in²) 31.2 21.2 14
Weight (lb/ft) 26 17.7 11.4
名称 类别 描述  
Advanced Composites Overview Product/Service Overview Avient 的增强复合材料技术采用连续成型工艺,使用碳纤维、玻璃纤维和芳纶纤维以及定制配方的热固性或热塑性树脂 查看
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Glasforms™ Electrical Components 产品选型指南 详细了解适合用于输配电产品的复合材料 查看
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