The American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) is the world’s largest composites industry trade group, driven to make composites the sustainable material of preference.
Avient is an official partner of the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Plants Program, a national initiative to improve industrial energy efficiency significantly. By joining, Avient pledges to reduce energy intensity by 25% over the next decade. This goal will drive energy savings and reinforce our leadership in efficiency, strengthening competitiveness. As a Better Plants partner, we join over 270 leading companies that have collectively saved $10.6 billion in energy costs.
Circular Plastics Alliance is an initiative under the European Strategy for Plastics and aims to boost the EU market for recycled plastics. The alliance covers the full plastics value chains and includes over 330 organizations representing industry, academia and public authorities.
CosPaTox seeks to define toxicological safety guidelines for PCRs used in cosmetics packaging, with a first focus on polyolefins (rPE-HD, rPE-LD and rPP; if time and budget allows also PET). The objective includes the generation of test and measurement methods that can be used quickly on-site by recyclers.
微纤维联盟 (TMC) 促进纺织行业实用解决方案的开发,最大限度地减少在纺织制造过程中和产品生命周期中产生的纤维碎片和向环境的释放。该组织在品牌、零售、供应商、研究、行业组织和政策层面通过其成员群体建立的联系,提供整个行业在全球范围内结盟的机会。
环境中的塑料废弃物对人类和野生动物都有害。通过承诺 Operation Clean Sweep,Avient 致力于在制造过程中实现零颗粒、薄片和粉末流失。
PetCore 与所有利益相关方合作,确保 PET 作为首选包装材料的可持续发展。作为已作出承诺的成员,我们希望进一步增加消费后 PET 的收集和回收。
Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) 是代表欧洲塑料回收商心声的组织。这些回收商将塑料废弃物再加工成用于生产新物品的优质材料。该组织为塑料回收商提供在欧洲层面和各个领先的行业组织中的代表。它提倡使用优质塑料回收物,并就开发可回收的创新型产品和包装提供具体建议。
RecyClass is a non-profit, cross-industry initiative facilitating the transition toward a circular plastic future by advancing plastic packaging recyclability while promoting the traceability of plastic waste and recycled plastic content in Europe.
Sustainable Packaging Coalition is a membership-based collaborative that believes in the power of industry to make packaging more sustainable. As the leading voice on sustainable packaging, they are passionate about creating packaging that is good for people and good for the environment. The mission is to bring sustainable packaging stakeholders together to catalyze actionable improvements to packaging systems and lend an authoritative voice on issues related to packaging sustainability.
2019 年 1 月,Avient 签署了《英国塑料公约》,这是一项致力于解决塑料污染的合作倡议。该公约是与艾伦·麦克阿瑟基金会 (Ellen MacArthur Foundation) 合作制定的,是致力于循环经济的全球倡议网络中的首个倡议。我们致力于实现他们的目标,即改变行业制造、使用、再利用和处置塑料的方式。