
Universal Carrier Technology

Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants

Compatible & Reliable

Omnicolor™ color concentrates are based on a multipurpose compatible carrier system. These concentrates are suitable for use with a wide range of polymers at the addition rates recommended in the table below.

Omnicolor colorants are not suitable for any food contact, cosmetic, medical, pharmaceutical or toy applications.


Recommended Addition Rates
聚乙烯 1% Acetal 1%
聚丙烯 1% SAN 1%
Polystyrene (GP) 1% 丙烯腈 1-3%
Polystyrene (HIPS) 1-2% PVC 1-3%
Acrylics (Opaque) 1% 聚碳酸酯 1%
Polyester (PBT) 1% Thermoplastic Rubber 1-3%
Polyester (PET) 1% Alloy & Blends 1-3%
Polyurethanes 1-2% EVA 1%
Polyamide (Nylon) 1% Filled Polymers 1-3%



  • Brilliant batch-to-batch color consistency with exceptional reliability and quality
  • Low usage ratio (100:1)
  • Convenient minimum order (25 lbs., 5 kg)
  • Available in a wide range of stock and standard colors
  • Suitable for use with over 25 different polymers
  • Compatible with most common additives, including UV stabilizers, antistats and slip agents
  • Heavy-metal- and cadmium-free


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Marketing + Technical Info


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名称 类别 描述  
色精和添加剂解决方案概述 Product/Service Overview 着色剂和添加剂概述和功能 查看
Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants Product/Service Overview Comprehensive product overview includes processing and ordering information and complete color chart 查看
Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Product description, key characteristics, markets & applications 查看
Omnicolor™ U.S. Color Selector Color Card Features Omnicolor color concentrates available in the U.S. 查看
Plastic Injection Molder Case Study (Snapshot) Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants offered versatile solution across resins and low LDR 查看
Respirator Accessory Parts Case Study (Snapshot) Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants provided resin compatibility for respiratory accessory parts 查看
Small Cable Reel Case Study (Snapshot) Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants delivered short lead time and cost effective solution for small cable reel 查看
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