

Additive Dispersions are widely used in the rubber and plastics industries to deliver usability, improved process efficiency and enhanced performance. These dispersions are available for silicone, latex, vinyl and various thermoset applications. Choose from existing product lines or work with our technical experts to develop custom formulations that meet your application requirements.

Person wearing latex gloves

Aquamix™ 化学分散剂

Our water-based dispersions and latex compounds can be customized to meet your application performance needs. 

Close up of colorful plastic cupcake cups

Silcocat™ Peroxide Dispersions

Eliminate problems with messy, hard to handle chemicals with these special dispersions.

large display of snorkel googles

Silcosperse™ Additive Dispersions

Streamline manufacturing and reduce waste with the Silcosperse Additive Dispersions.

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