
Community Service & Charitable Contributions

Avient’s long-standing dedication to community engagement remains integral to our culture. In 2023, our associates continued to prioritize making a meaningful difference in the communities we serve. They demonstrated unquestionable service and empathy for others by volunteering their time, talents, and treasures to support local organizations and causes worldwide.

We expanded our Global Giving campaign in its second year, partnering with local leaders to identify areas of need and support communities where we operate. Over 3,000 Avient associates participated, serving more than 110 communities and benefitting 60 non-profit and charity organizations around the world. Approximately $1.5 million was donated and more than 7,000 volunteer hours were given to initiatives ranging from mentorship programs to environmental cleanups and fundraising events.

UW 20 Million logo

Global Giving

United Way remains our most significant philanthropic endeavor, with our associates continuing to give generously. Since 2007, we have raised over $20 million for United Way chapters. Associates across our sites participated in fundraisers, volunteer events, and donation drives to support United Way and the local charities they partner with to meet critical needs in education, financial stability, and health. In addition, we contributed to numerous non-profit organizations where our leaders sit on boards of trustees, helping them advance sustainability in their operations and missions to serve.


Avient 不资助政党或政府成员。在美国,Avient 的员工利用他们的权利建立了一个政治行动委员会 (PAC),这是一个自愿、在联邦注册的员工协会,根据美国法律规定,为政治目的募集捐款并决定如何使用这些捐款。由 Avient PAC 成员组成的 Avient PAC 委员会定期会面讨论关键主题并决定年度预算。Avient PAC aligns with candidates who support laws and regulations consistent with sustainable business practices and Avient’s interests, represent a state or district where an Avient facility is located and/ or are active members or leadership of key committees/positions. 我们与立法者的讨论使人们认识到 Avient 在实现可持续发展和循环经济的科学方面的作用与贡献,以及维持一个让公司能以最佳方式经营、投资和发展的成本与监管环境的重要性。In 2023, Avient PAC contributed $6,500 to federal candidates in the U.S. and $6,000 to state candidates in Ohio. 在美国 Avient PAC 的联邦选举委员会的备案(包括捐款清单)之外,不提供任何政治捐款,可在 www.fec.gov 上公开查阅。俄亥俄州的备案和捐款情况可在 www.ohiosos.gov 上公开查阅。


我们在泰国曼谷和潘通的团队组织了一次活动,为当地的 Lorenzo 儿童中心提供支持。此次活动得到了团队的大力支持,数十名同事积极地参与其中,执行各种任务,帮助社区中心进行翻新,如种植、剪草、粉刷儿童游乐场。

让 Rania 更加绿色
我们位于印度 Rania 工厂的 Avient 员工,将他们对可持续发展的热情付诸实践,在我们的植树活动 (Tree Plantation Drive) 期间,他们种植了 100 多棵树木和草本灌木,以帮助恢复自然资源。参与的员工都以身作则,激励他们的同事和邻居也提高环保意识。

我们在巴西 Santo Amaro、Itupeva 和 Suzano 的员工发起了一项收集 PET 瓶和塑料瓶盖的可持续发展挑战。回收的瓶子被捐赠给非营利组织 Fios Encantados,将 PET 材料制成假发,供患有癌症的儿童佩戴。此外,回收的塑料瓶盖也使 Humanimal 收容的 40 只老年犬受益,Humanimal 是一家出售回收物品以拯救犬类的非营利组织。

与联合劝募 (United Way) 合作,Avient 员工组织了一场清理活动,以清除阿拉巴马州伯明翰市土耳其河的垃圾。活动期间,团队从河岸收集了 200 多磅的垃圾,并捐赠了新的停车标志,以改善这一宝贵的社区资源。此外,他们再次支持伯明翰动物园的清理工作,从科莫多展区清除了 3 吨自然植被和结构材料。

连续第 18 年,我们 Avient 总部的社区服务团队在假日期间募集捐款以支持我们有需要的邻居。我们的员工再次慷慨解囊,为家庭、老人和陷入困境的儿童捐赠了无数的物品,并为当地的婴儿院和流浪者收容所提供了资金捐助。这种慷慨的做法在其他国家也有体现,如巴西,Avient 的“圣诞老人”为资源短缺社区的儿童送去了礼物;在荷兰,我们的员工们为年轻母亲庇护所送去了节日餐点。

Global Giving Logo

Over 2,600 Avient associates participated in our inaugural Global Giving campaign, serving more than 100 communities and benefitting 70 non-profit and charity organizations around the world.

Fun run


Avient offers a global benefit of Community Service hours. We encourage our people to help create more sustainable communities by providing 16 hours of paid time off each year to volunteer for a cause of their preference. These hours are used during the workday, and the activities can be done as a group of fellow Avient associates or individually. Since 2018, Avient associates have performed more than 10,500 hours of community service through this program.

Annual Paid Time Off to Volunteer

Earth Day Photo Contest

In celebration of Earth Day, we held our annual photo contest, inviting associates to capture the beauty of nature through their lenses. For every submission received, we pledged to donate to One Tree Planted. In an inspiring display of collective action, over 350 trees were planted in honor of Earth Day, contributing to the restoration of forests and wildlife habitats.

The winner of the 2023 Earth Day Photo contest, Catherine Blackwell, R&D Chemist, CAI (United Kingdom) appears on this year’s Sustainability Report cover (and featured here: top, left). We also applaud Huma Khalil, Technology Lead, CAI (Pakistan) Photo: bottom, left; and Volker Dickfeld, Sr. Marketing Manager, CAI (Germany) Photo: right, for their outstanding entries securing runner up places.

Earth Day Photo Contest Collage


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