

Brilliant colors help your products draw the attention of consumers, with 93% of consumers saying the first thing they notice about a product is its appearance. Make sure that when they look at your products, they like what they see. 

With Avient you have access to a worldwide team of color experts who can help take your idea from pellet to part. From business machines and appliances to textiles, automotive components and packaging, designers, brand managers and plastics processors rely on our cutting-edge color technology and in-depth technical support through more than 50 global manufacturing sites and regional offices. We collaborate with you to formulate the colors you envision for your products, and have the plastics processing expertise to help you color and manufacture your products efficiently.

用于电线电缆的 OnColor™ 着色剂

These concentrates efficiently stand up to the performance needs of wire and cable.


OnColor™ Enigma™ Special Effect Colorants

Learn how molded-in color can offer the same eye-popping effects of paint at a greater efficiency and without the hassles and higher costs.


应用于医疗保健的Mevopur™ 着色剂和配方

We understand the unique challenges of the healthcare industry, and have developed formulations to meet or exceed your requirements and help you manage risk.      


OnColor™ BIO 着色剂

These color concentrates perform well in many bioplastics without compromising the organic recyclability of the resins they enhance.    


OnColor™ NiteBrite™ 夜光着色剂

These colorants offer up to 10 hours of glow-in-the-dark effects in applications including toys, safety equipment and sporting goods. 

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