

Polystrand™ 热塑性复合板


这些工程复合板由 Polystrand™ 连续纤维增强热塑性塑料面板与各种内部芯材(包括热塑性泡沫和蜂窝芯)热粘合而成,在构造时无需辅助粘合剂,可实现更牢固的粘合和更高效的制造过程。



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  • 与木材和铝等其他材料相比,强度重量比更高
  • 始终如一的高品质
  • 抗紫外线、抗化学腐蚀和防潮
  • 出色的抗冲击强度
  • 适用于广泛的最终用途应用,包括船甲板、房车铺位、风暴避难所和集装箱


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Hammerhead™ 应用和安装指南


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电子书:Smart Materials™ 高级复合材料


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名称 类别 描述  
Advanced Composites Automotive Overview Application Overview Composite solutions for lightweighting, reinforcing, and replacing metal in automotive applications 查看
Advanced Composites for Automotive Applications 视频 Polystrand™, Glasforms™, and Gordon Composites™ are exceptional alternatives to traditional materials such as wood, ceramic, and metal for automotive applications. 查看
Advanced Composites Overview Product/Service Overview Avient 的增强复合材料技术采用连续成型工艺,使用碳纤维、玻璃纤维和芳纶纤维以及定制配方的热固性或热塑性树脂 查看
高级复合材料网络研讨会 视频 详细了解连续纤维增强热塑性塑料复合材料的优势。  查看
CFRTP 优势和应用 白皮书 探索连续纤维增强热塑性塑料复合材料的功能和多功能用途 查看
复合夹芯板 Processing & Design Guides 复合夹芯板的材料选择和设计注意事项的综合资源 查看
Garage Door Composite Panel Application Overview Application Overview Application overview for composite panels and laminates used in garage door panels 查看
Garage Door Panel Case Study (Snapshot) Polystrand™ Thermoplastic Composite Panels provided custom-formulated panels with UV stable laminates and improved the efficiency of the manufacturing process for OEM 查看
Get to Know Composite Sandwich Structures 制品 Design optimization, predictive tools, and best practices for thermoplastic composite sandwich panels 查看
Hammerhead™ FR Flame Retardant Composite Panels Application Overview Key benefits, applications and properties for Hammerhead™ FR Flame Retardant Composite Panels 查看
Hammerhead™ 船用面板 - 应用和安装指南 Application Overview 了解由连续玻璃纤维增强热塑性面板和聚酯泡沫芯制成的 Hammerhead™ 船用复合板 查看
Modular Wall Construction Case Study (Snapshot) Polystrand™ Thermoplastic Composite Panels provided on-site technical support and customization for modular wall construction 查看
Polystrand aPET Cargo Trailer Case Study (Snapshot) Polystrand™ aPET thermoplastic composite tri-ply laminate solution replaced metal and provided an impact resistant and corrosion-proof composite material to prevent dents and rust. 查看
Polystrand Processing & Design Guide Processing & Design Guides Guide to processing Polystrand™ Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites 查看
Polystrand™ 材料和应用 - 视频 视频 Polystrand™ 连续纤维增强热塑性塑料复合材料 - 轻盈、坚固且用途广泛。  查看
Polystrand™ 产品选型指南 产品选型指南 Polystrand™ 材料特性、性能、产品命名和层压铺层配置 查看
Polystrand™ 热塑性复合板 产品选型指南 Application and installation guide for comparison data, application guidance, and tips for installation  查看
适用于严苛应用的 Smart Materials™ 高级复合材料 - 电子书 电子书 全面了解复合材料,以便确定满足您需求的最佳解决方案 查看
Transforming Modular & Offsite Construction with Advanced Composites Industry Overview Composite solutions for building and construction applications 查看
Wall and Floor Panels for Adventure Camper Manufacturer Case Study (Snapshot) Polystrand™ Thermoplastic Composite Sandwich Panels provided lightweight, durability, and insulation requirements for camper 查看
网络研讨会:复合夹芯板 Webinar 了解结构部件用的复合板的设计和材料选择 查看
White Paper: 热塑性复合夹芯板 白皮书 采用热塑性复合夹芯板时的设计优化、预测工具和最佳实践 查看
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