
Metallic Effect

OnColor™ Impress™ High Gloss Metallic Effect Colorants

Add a Unique Look & Sheen to Polymer Packaging

Colorful polymer packaging is widely used in the beverage and personal care sectors to make products stand out on shelves.

Manufacturers are always looking for new and striking color combinations and special effects for packaging. Why? They want their products to win share in high-volume consumer markets by standing out at point-of-sale.

Available in a limitless range of vibrant colors, this technology enables packaging manufacturers to create unlimited combinations of color and gloss to design a brilliant metallic look that demands attention.



  • Available in both liquid and solid formulations
  • Compatible with PET and Injection blow molding
  • Applications: personal care, consumer goods, beverages


Impress™ High Gloss Colorants - Product Bulletin

Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (English language version)

Impress™ High Gloss Colorants - Product Bulletin (Chinese)

Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components

资源 1

Marketing + Technical Info


资源 2



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Impress™ High Gloss Colorants - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (Chinese language version) 查看
OnColor™ Impress™ High Gloss Metallic Effect Colorants (English) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (English language version) 查看
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