在享受塑料给社会带来的巨大好处的同时,人类还有责任确保塑料废弃物不会最终进入环境。随着全球回收基础设施的技术和经济性不断提高,Avient 很荣幸与我们的客户密切合作,开发各种可支持循环经济的创新解决方案。我们的技术有助于减少材料使用,提高容器的可回收性,并提高回收材料的物理性能和再利用潜力。
We continue to work with our customers to develop innovative sustainable solutions. In addition to our material solutions, Avient has developed services to further enable our customers’ ability to meet their commitments, including Cycleworks, ColorWorks and Avient Design.
ColorMatrix™ Ultimate™ UV Light Barrier for PET effectively blocks ultraviolet light transmission, protecting product integrity, without impacting the circularity. Ultimate is recognized by the Association of Plastic Recyclers and the European PET Bottle Platform for having no negative impact on the recycling stream. |
Cesa™ NOX A4R Additive for Enhanced Recycling stabilizes recycled polyolefins during processing, enabling a higher quality level of recyclate and better end-use products. |
PCR Color Prediction Service simplifies and accelerates the selection of preferred colors for PCR content at varying levels, avoiding time-consuming trial and error. |
ColorMatrix™ Capture™ Oxygen Scavenger is an emerging technology for the monolayer PET packaging market. 它能够有效防止氧气进入,有助于增强产品保护并延长保质期。这种完全可回收的氧气屏障获得了 APR Critical Guidance 认证。它提供清晰度,对回收流没有负面影响。 |
ColorMatrixTM SmartHeatTM RHC 是经 APR 认证、受专利保护的液体分散加工助剂,可减少瓶子制造过程中所需的能量并且随着时间的推移提高 PET 的可回收性。 |
ColorMatrix™ Optica™ Toners for PET improve color tone with recycle friendly colorants and reduce carbon emissions through improved bottle blowing efficiencies while enabling increased amounts of postconsumer recycled (PCR) content. |
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallic Colorants allows a package to be sorted and recycled by replacing paint and secondary finishes. |
ColorMatrixTM rePrizeTM IV Builder 有助于改善再生 PET 塑料的物理和美学特性,并降低固态聚合 (SSP) 的能耗。 |
HIFORMER™ Liquid Polymer Processing Aid provides sustainability and production benefits for packaging film suppliers such as longer production runs, reduced energy consumption and reduced waste. |
OnColor™ IR Sortable Black Colorants include detectable colorants to allow reclaimed dark plastics, such as those found in food trays, to be detected and properly recycled by automated sorters. |
RejoinTM PCR Masterbatch 使用 PCR 作为载体树脂,有效地使瓶子或零件可以采用 100% PCR 制造而成。 |
Simplify the process to develop color in recycled resin for L’Oréal to achieve global color consistency, while working towards their 2030 objective to have 100% of the plastics used in its packaging be made from recycled or bio-based material.
The Solution & Impact
Avient’s PCR Color Prediction Service helped L’Oréal simplify overall color development with recycled resin. This sped up the local replication process, allowing Redken products to launch simultaneously in Europe and the U.S. with consistent color despite local constraints.