49 manufacturing sites data


Avient 致力于减少甚至消除我们的运营所产生的废弃物,并使我们的客户能够实现他们的废弃物最小化目标。

我们努力减少所产生的有害和无害废弃物的数量。我们的废弃物管理方法通过降低环境危害风险以及与废弃物管理相关的成本来增加价值。These efforts are in line with our commitment to sustainability and strengthen the health of our communities and operations worldwide.

The majority of our waste is non-hazardous process scrap and purge materials. 其他废弃物可能产生于周期性施工和拆除工程、原材料和产品包装、质量保证活动产生的实验室废弃物以及日常办公室活动等来源。

对有害和无害废弃物管理的期望受适用于所有设施的 Avient 内部废弃物管理标准的约束。这些废弃物标准规定废弃物管理的等级制度,把消除废弃物列为最高优先级,其次是再利用或回收,而没有任何再利用效益的处置则是最低优先级。我们实施各项计划来识别不合格产品和其他废弃物流的再利用机会,并提高设施资源效率以减少废弃物的产生。通过我们全面的 EH&S 审计计划来定期评估是否符合这些期望。

Our annual goal of reducing waste to landfill intensity by 3%, as well as annual incentives, are designed to encourage facilities to eliminate waste generation and identify beneficial uses for their remaining waste streams. To monitor progress against these goals, we track waste data from each site on a monthly basis. Beyond quantities of waste generated, this monthly data includes information on positive and negative influences that impact performance.

It is this granular information that Avient utilizes to drive improvement projects. In 2023, we were able to further optimize operations through executing over 80 waste minimization projects around the world. Additionally, 49 of our manufacturing sites globally sent no waste to landfills in 2023. For detailed information on these projects, and GHG avoidance resulting from them, we invite you to read our most recent Climate Change Report submitted to CDP.

虽然我们的目标侧重于直接运营产生的废弃物影响,但我们也在价值链上寻求机会,与供应商一起减少与物料运输相关的废弃物,并通过提供包含回收成分或延长使用寿命的产品来与客户合作。We regularly conduct risk-based audits to inspect external waste disposal and recycling companies to ensure the proper disposal of waste. 这样,我们也防止了今天的废弃物成为明天的污染物。

Waste Minimization: Composites

As we continue to work towards our waste minimization goal of 3% reduction in waste to landfill intensity annually, each of our facilities takes an individual approach to reducing waste. Waste minimization plans are impacted by several factors, including raw materials utilized, materials produced, manufacturing process, and location.

Depending on the material, our composite and fiber solutions may run into challenges in finding outlets for waste to divert from landfill. At our facility in Birmingham, Alabama, a team was established to develop a plan for waste minimization. They evaluated existing waste streams, and created a plan to achieve a 25% waste to landfill reduction.

The plan includes a range of options, including repurposing scrap composite rods as fence posts, recycling of scrap glass, and recycling of composite finished goods. In its first year of implementation, the plan is already seeing success. The team continues to identify and qualify new collaborators to recycle and repurpose waste.

This is just one example of the work our teams are doing across Avient’s facilities to deliver on our annual waste goal of 3% reduction of waste to landfill intensity.



Plastic is a miraculous, versatile material that positively influences our world. It is in equipment that helps save lives, keeps food safe from spoilage, lowers the use of fossil fuels, and makes alternative energy possible.

However, some plastics are also in places they shouldn’t be, like in our oceans and rivers. 这些塑料进入了垃圾填埋场,而不是被回收利用。Avient 致力于通过创新、广泛的利益相关者参与以及强大的伙伴关系和联盟来消除塑料垃圾。

我们通过各种创新的技术不断产生积极影响,使我们的客户能够提高塑料的可回收性并减少包装所需的材料量。然而,没有任何一家公司或任何一个国家/地区能够单凭一己之力解决塑料废弃物问题。That is why Avient joined the Alliance to End Plastic Waste. As a founding member, we are collaborating with over 70 member companies and supporters to promote infrastructure, education and engagement, innovation, and clean up efforts to keep plastic waste in the right place.


Members of the alliance have already collectively committed more than $1.5 billion to fund over 50 projects which have resulted in the reduction of over 85 million pounds of unmanaged waste since the Alliance’s inception. Solutions to address the challenge of post-consumer plastic waste will require collective support, innovation and collaboration on a global basis—from resin producers, waste management companies, consumer brands and retailers to nongovernmental organizations, governments and consumers.

We will continue to invest and work aggressively to eliminate plastic waste in the environment through Avient’s sustainable solutions and value chain partnerships to deliver critical sustainability and performance benefits to people and communities around the world.


如果在 Avient 的工厂现址或旧址发生土壤和地下水污染,我们将根据现行法律和技术标准审查适当的补救措施,并实施必要的补救。

遍布全球的专家网络可确保实施适当的补救方案。这些解决方案旨在最大限度地保护自然资源,保护气候,改善成本以及承担社会责任。这意味着根据具体情况做出个性化决策。我们在受污染厂址数据库中记录了相关厂址情况。In 2023, ongoing remediation work on behalf of Avient continued on schedule, and planning was concluded for future remediation projects.



Operation Clean Sweep 2023

除了作为终结塑料废弃物联盟 (Alliance to End Plastic Waste)的创始成员和现任成员外,Avient 的全球运营还参与了 Operation Clean Sweep

Operation Clean Sweep 的首要目标是确保每一次塑料树脂处理操作都实现颗粒、薄片和粉末的零流失。这极大地有利于保护环境和节省宝贵的资源。Operation Clean Sweep 成员公司极大地帮助防止塑料进入海洋,从而促进海洋生物的安全、健康和清洁。我们认识到在我们的运营中负责任地管理塑料颗粒流失的重要性。




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