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GLS™ TPE 婴儿护理解决方案指南 - 产品选购指南(中文版) 产品选型指南 安全、耐用且符合法规要求应用的理想 TPE,可用于奶嘴、奶瓶和浴缸等(中文版) 查看
Outdoor Industry Overview - Brochure Industry Overview Read about our polymer solutions for outdoor gear and equipment 查看
ECCOH™ XL 可交联解决方案 Product/Service Overview 用于阻燃电线和电缆的湿固化交联、低烟无卤 (LSFOH) 配方 查看
OnColor™ HC Plus - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Polymer colorants formulated specifically for healthcare product applications 查看
用于化妆品包装的化学相容性 TPE - 应用公告 Application Overview 了解 Avient 的化学相容性 Versaflex™ PKG 热塑性弹性体如何提供各种触感饰面和表面纹理 查看
OnColor™ Colorants Color Shades of Nature - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview A collection of 10 special effects collorants inspired by nature 查看
Automotive Technology Snapshot Industry Overview Learn more about Avient's products and services in the automotive industry.  查看
ColorMatrix™ Flexcart™ Nano Liquid Metering System Flyer Product/Service Overview Smallest footprint in the range 查看
Surround™ 连接器盖 Case Study (Snapshot) 对频率范围从 30MHz 至 2GHz 的波段具有 EMI 屏蔽性能 查看
Kitchen Knife Handles 制品 Cutlery manufacturer expands product line with dishwasher-safe knife handles featuring stainless steel-filled Gravi-Tech™ compound 查看
reFlex™ 100 High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer Compared with Other High Solvating Plasticizer Alternatives - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview reFlex™ 100 high solvating bio-derived plasticizer compared to other high solvating plasticizer alternatives 查看
Cesa™ 清洁添加剂 Product/Service Overview When and why to use Cesa™ Clean 查看
Electrical Junction Boxes 案例分析 OnFlex™ S HF TPE 为电气接线盒提供无卤解决方案 查看
Universal Polyamide Overmold Thermoplastic Elastomer - White Paper 白皮书 Background of old nylon overmolding compared to new polyamide technology 查看
OnForce™ LFT Long-Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market and applications 查看
Syncure™ XLPE General Extrusion Guidelines (English) Processing & Design Guides Syncure™ XLPE 挤出机信息和加工指南,包括温度、模头端火焰、线速度、螺杆冷却和净化化合物(英文版) 查看
Smart Materials™ Vibration Damping - eBook 电子书 Learn more about the different types of vibration and identify ways you can use materials to mitigate the problems it causes 查看
Adventure Sports - Brochure Industry Overview Learn how our polymer solutions can benefit adventure sports gear 查看
OnCap™ Anti-fog Additives Product Bulletin (English) Product/Service Overview Packaging made with anti-fog additives offers the transparency and fog prevention required to confidently present fresh foods to consumers (English language version) 查看
GlasArmor and ThermoBallistic Ballistic Panels - Product Selection and Install Guide 产品选型指南 GlasArmor and ThermoBallistic composite ballistic panels are suitable for indoor and outdoor use in commercial, governmental, industrial and residential applications 查看
OnCap™ Denesting - Case Study (Chinese) 案例分析 Enables effective package separation and improve manufacturing operations such as mold release during thermoforming and packaging pick and place operations (Chinese language version) 查看
适用于严苛应用的 Smart Materials™ 高级复合材料 - 电子书 电子书 全面了解复合材料,以便确定满足您需求的最佳解决方案 查看
Silicone Dispersion Technologies Product/Service Overview Colorant and additive dispersions that provide enhanced performance and color consistency 查看
Automotive Technology Snapshot - EU Industry Overview Learn more about Avient's products and services in the automotive industry.  查看
Smartbatch™ Blow Molding Product/Service Overview Smartbatch™ formulations blend design and function in one masterbatch solution  查看
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