

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
CPSIA Questions & Answers - White Paper 白皮书 Guidance on the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) for small businesses, resellers, crafters and charities 查看
Aluminum Caps - Case Study 案例分析 Versaflex™ TPE used in liner for aluminum caps to keep water tasting fresh 查看
ColorMatrix Joule™ RHB Fast Reheat Dispersions Product/Service Overview Best practices for handling and using ColorMatrix™ Joule™ RHB Fast Reheat Dispersions 查看
SynPlicity™ - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Description, value solution, key characteristics and relevant data for SynPlicity 1000 cosmetic esters 查看
Syncure™ XLPE (Spanish) 产品选型指南 电线和电缆的一般性能和拉伸性能、电气、热和易燃性值(西班牙语版) 查看
Water Storage and Purification Equipment 案例分析 Laser-marking additive, an authentication additive, and colorant— bundled into a single Smartbatch™ concentrate  查看
Navigate the Path to Optimized Bottle Design Product/Service Overview Optimized packaging meets your standards for clever design, manufacturing excellence and consumer appeal 查看
电线电缆 - 产品选购指南(英文版) 产品选型指南 探索适用于电线电缆应用的产品(英文版) 查看
Colorant Chromatics High Temperature Formulations - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Property comparisons, key features and typical application for high temperature formulations 查看
Gordon Glass™ 经销商名单 Industry Overview Gordon Glass™ 授权经销商 查看
高级复合材料网络研讨会 视频 详细了解连续纤维增强热塑性塑料复合材料的优势。  查看
Edgetek™ 配方应用于 5G 基站天线(英文版) Application Overview 了解 Avient 定制聚合物配方对 5G 基站天线相移的影响(英文版) 查看
ColorMatrix Triple A™ (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Product information for ColorMatrix™ TripleA™ additive technology, which reduces Acetaldehyde levels in PET packaging (Chinese language version) 查看
Gravi-Tech™ Compounds - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Product descriptions and properties of Gravi-Tech™ Compounds 查看
reFlex™ 100 High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer Compared with Butyl Benzyl Phthalate - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview reFlex™ 100 high solvating bio-derived plasticizer compared with butyl benzyl phthalate 查看
色精和添加剂解决方案概述 Product/Service Overview 着色剂和添加剂概述和功能 查看
电脑鼠标 - 案例研究 案例分析 Versaflex™ TPE 用于制造具有柔软触感的符合人体工学的电脑鼠标 查看
Vinyl Plastisols Product Bulletin. Product/Service Overview Key characteristics, benefits and applications of Wear-Resistant Plastisols 查看
ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ SX - Product Bulletin (English) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology benefits of ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ SX Light Blocking Additive for PET (English language version) 查看
步枪后坐垫 - 案例研究 案例分析 定制 HIVIZ 反冲垫材料为高端步枪制造商提供卓越的后坐力减少和出色的耐用性 查看
用于室内和室外家具的 Glasforms™ 和 Gordon Composites™ 热固性复合材料弹簧 - 应用公告 Application Overview 用于室内和室外家具的 Glasforms™ 和 Gordon Composites™ 热固性复合弹簧的优点和结构详情 查看
Polystrand™ Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Technologies - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Material properties of Polystrand™ Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Technologies  查看
有什么区别?TPEs vs. Silicones for Portable Speakers - eBook(Chinese) 电子书 Learn protection and durability differences, pros and cons of each material, suggested applications and more in this e-book 查看
Advanced Composites Overview Product/Service Overview Avient 的增强复合材料技术采用连续成型工艺,使用碳纤维、玻璃纤维和芳纶纤维以及定制配方的热固性或热塑性树脂 查看
复合材料弹簧安装指南 - 产品选型指南 产品选型指南 探索用于振动输送机和座椅的复合材料弹簧的特性和优势 查看
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