OnColor™ Bio Colorants Mulch Films (English) |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
OnColor™ Bio Colorants provide biodegradable and compostable solutions for mulch films (English language version)
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OnColor™ Bio Colorants Coffee Capsules |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
OnColor™ Bio Colorants provide biodegradable and compostable solutions for coffee capsules
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Avient Design Impact Protection |
案例分析 |
Design and material solutions for protective sports equipment
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Edgetek™ REC PC Recycled Content Solutions (English) |
Product/Service Overview |
这些高性能、消费后回收和后工业回收 (PCR/PIR) 聚碳酸酯解决方案的主要特性和适合用途(英文版)
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5G 混合电缆 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
ECCOH 为 5G 混合电缆提供防火性能和法规符合性
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Bettcher Industries - 案例研究 |
案例分析 |
金属替代、设计改进和 Complēt™ 长纤维技术为 Bettcher Industries 提供强大的解决方案
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WithStand™ Antimicrobial Solutions for Electronic Accessories |
Application Overview |
Explore the many ways WithStand™ antimicrobial additives enhance product performance
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Specialty Engineered Materials Asia - Product Selection Guide (Chinese) |
产品选型指南 |
Product base resin(s), target end markets, and available properties and features (Chinese language version)
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Silcosperse™ EC Electrically Conductive Additive Dispersions |
Product/Service Overview |
Learn more about how Silcosperse™ EC additive dispersions provide varying levels of electrical conductivity to silicone material
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Craftech 非金属紧固件 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
定制配方和预着色 Complēt™ 长玻璃纤维增强 ETPU 复合材料具有耐腐蚀性,同时具有与金属紧固件相似的结构性能
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Edgetek™ 3D/LDS Solutions - Product Bulletin (Chinese) |
Product/Service Overview |
Advanced technologies to help customers to build 3D circuits on molded part surfaces (Chinese language version)
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reSound™ REC Recycled Content TPEs (English) |
产品选型指南 |
包覆成型用 reSound™ REC 回收成分 TPE 的关键特性和属性(英文版)
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Bergamid™ 激光焊接解决方案(中文版) |
Product/Service Overview |
Bergamid™ 激光焊接解决方案帮助客户生产具有耐用焊缝和光滑表面的高性能零件(中文版)
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注塑复合材料棒球棒 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强复合材料允许加入注塑材料解决方案,以实现设计灵活性和定制化
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越野休闲车一体式椅壳 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Complēt™ 长玻璃纤维增强尼龙复合材料将多个金属部件整合到一体式椅壳中,从而减轻重量并降低成本
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创新办公家具工作椅 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
战略定位单向带嵌件采用 Complēt™ 长玻璃纤维增强尼龙复合材料包覆成型,具有耐疲劳性,可减少办公椅的零件数量
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越野自行车后悬架连杆机构 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强 ETPU 复合材料的重量减轻 33%,且性能分析服务也证实金属到热塑性塑料的过渡非常成功
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Scorpyd Crossbow 集成导轨和升降器 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强 ETPU 复合材料以及产品设计和性能分析服务为 Scorpyd Crossbow 创造出行业首款集成导轨和升降器总成
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狩猎背包的内部框架结构 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
注塑 Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强尼龙复合材料具有高刚度和低重量,同时简化制造过程
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椅子腰部支撑 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Dynaflex™ TPE 为主要座椅制造商的腰部支撑物提供合适的支撑体、外观和触感
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医疗器械外壳的消毒剂耐受性 - 案例研究 |
案例分析 |
制造商使用 Trilliant HC 高性能配方提高医疗器械外壳的消毒剂耐受性
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Edgetek™ 3D/LDS Solutions - Product Bulletin (English) |
Product/Service Overview |
Advanced technologies to help customers to build 3D circuits on molded part surfaces (English language version)
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轻质抗扭结花园软管 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
定制 Versaflex™ TPE 可实现轻量化并提高抗扭结性和性能
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Chemical Foaming Additives for PVC Processing - Case Study |
案例分析 |
ColorMatrix™ Excelite™ helped PVC processors optimize performance, control and efficiency in the extrusion process
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数据存储载体 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
LubriOne™ 赋予数据存储载体的尺寸稳定性和阻燃性
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