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食品容器的夹锁闭合 Case Study (Snapshot) Versaflex™ 热塑性弹性体可提高性能并满足锁扣封口的食品合规性规定 查看
Mevopur™ Standard Colors for Healthcare Product/Service Overview Product description, key characteristics and standard color chart 查看
Wet Grip for Surfboards - SurfCo Hawaii - Case Study 案例分析 Read how a wet grip TPE eliminated the problem of a slippery surface and enabled SurfCo Hawaii, Inc. to bring an innovative, non-abrasive grip tape to market 查看
无线充电器 Case Study (Snapshot) Versaflex™ CE 3130-80N TPE 为无线充电器提供非起霜解决方案 查看
汽车杯架垫 Case Study (Snapshot) OnFlex™ AF TPE 为杯托垫提供全球解决方案,具有优异的低 VOC/FOG 特性和高质量、低光泽表面光洁度 查看
Versaflex™ 非起霜 TPE 解决方案 - 视频 视频 详细了解 Versaflex™ 非起霜 TPE 解决方案,为消费电子产品提供最佳外观 查看
Versaflex™ CE Non-Blooming Solutions Product/Service Overview 用于消费电子产品 Versaflex™ CE 非起霜解决方案的主要特性和包覆成型性能 查看
Never Summer 滑雪板 Case Study (Snapshot) Gordon Composites™ 热固性层压板为滑雪板公司提供坚固而灵活的复合材料结构加固 查看
模块化军用防弹掩体 Case Study (Snapshot) GlasArmor™ 防弹复合板为军事避难所提供轻型弹道防护 查看
雪上摩托车发动机安装支架 Case Study (Snapshot) Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强尼龙复合材料替代铝,具有更好的耐疲劳性并减轻重量 查看
汽车转向柱支架 Case Study (Snapshot) Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强尼龙复合材料替代金属转向柱支架,重量减轻 50% 查看
止血带 Case Study (Snapshot) 定制 GLS™ 热塑性弹性体取代用于止血带的热固性橡胶 查看
汽车可拆卸顶盖支架 Case Study (Snapshot) Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强聚邻苯二甲酰胺复合材料替代用于固定顶盖板的钢制支架,重量减轻 80% 查看
复合材料包覆成型零件优化 白皮书 使用热塑性复合材料注塑包覆成型工艺来优化零件设计:局部增强如何减轻重量并提高性能 查看
用于移液器吸头的 Trilliant™ 导电配方 - 应用公告 Application Overview 探索 Trilliant™ 导电配方如何帮助解决移液器吸头应用面临的性能挑战 查看
弓弦滑套 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 配方保证射箭弓弦滑套部件的平稳操作,并赋予低 COF 和改良的耐磨性 查看
Versaflex™ HC & Versaflex™ HC BIO TPEs - BT Series Product/Service Overview Traditional and bio-based thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) formulated specifically to handle the complexities of biopharma tubing (BT) 查看
悬挂式工业电机用支撑轭 Case Study (Snapshot) Complēt™ 长玻璃纤维增强尼龙复合材料可支撑 25 磅电机的重量而不会产生蠕变,同时重量更轻,生产成本更低 查看
导电移液器吸头 Case Study (Snapshot) Trilliant™ HC 导电配方提供一致的导电性,并为导电移液器吸头提供高流动等级 查看
Hypodermic Needle Case Study (Snapshot) MEVOPUR™ ISO 6009 Standard/Customized Solutions met compliance requirements and improved quality for needle hub, cover and shield 查看
航空航天乘客座椅部件 Case Study (Snapshot) Complēt™ 长碳纤维增强 PES 复合材料重量减轻 40%,符合 FAA 的阻燃性和耐久性要求 查看
Fingerprint Detector Housing Case Study (Snapshot) Artisan™ high-gloss, metallic effect ABS formulation provided paint replacement solution to meet electronic applications needs 查看
MEVOPUR™ Pharma Packaging Case Study (Snapshot) Met requirements for stabilization during molding and sterilization for pharmaceutical packaging OEM 查看
MEVOPUR™ Needle Hub Case Study (Snapshot) Provided needle hub manufacturer pre-tested raw materials in required color pallete and opacities 查看
Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants Product/Service Overview Comprehensive product overview includes processing and ordering information and complete color chart 查看
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