

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
Zylon® PBO Product/Service Overview 探索产品信息和技术性能 查看
Nomex® 间位芳纶 Product/Service Overview 探索产品信息和技术性能 查看
Kevlar® 分销计划产品 Product/Service Overview 购买小批量的 Kevlar - 点击此处了解更多 查看
Color and Additive Masterbatches for the Electrical and Electronics Industry Application Overview UL94 compliant masterbatches and flame retardant solutions meet the latest UL94 and Glow Wire standards 查看
PLASTIWARD Counterfeiting Protection Application Overview PLASTIWARD for plastic articles offers you fake-checking in real-time 查看
装卸平台密封门撑 Case Study (Snapshot) Gordon Composites™ 热固性复合材料弹簧具有耐用性和阻力,可用于加强装卸平台密封支撑 查看
Sustainability in Packaging - Video 视频 Learn more about Avient's portfolio of sustainable solutions for packaging 查看
PET Bottle for Hair Care Case Study (Snapshot) OnColor™ Frost PET Effect delivered customized color and anti-UV combination for hair care bottle 查看
Small Cable Reel Case Study (Snapshot) Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants delivered short lead time and cost effective solution for small cable reel 查看
Plastic Injection Molder Case Study (Snapshot) Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants offered versatile solution across resins and low LDR 查看
Respirator Accessory Parts Case Study (Snapshot) Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants provided resin compatibility for respiratory accessory parts 查看
OnColor™ UL 94 Colorants Product/Service Overview Concentrates for electrical and electronic applications that allow fast, cost-efficient project management  查看
Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Product description, key characteristics, markets & applications 查看
Mevopur™ Healthcare Colorants and Formulations for Ophthalmic Closures Application Overview Learn about the key characteristics and regulatory support Mevopur™ Healthcare Colorants and Formulations offer for ophthalmic closures 查看
护耳器支架 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 配方赋予 Sordin 护耳支架良好的机械性能和耐磨性 查看
采用抗菌技术的 GLS™ TPE - 产品简报 Product/Service Overview GLS™ TPE 内含抗菌添加剂,可抑制 99.9% 或以上的细菌生长,并可抑制真菌生长,以保护成品塑料零件 查看
ColorMatrix™ Amosorb™ 4020R rPET Booster - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Oxygen scavenger booster specifically formulated for use with recycled PET (rPET) 查看
Mevopur™ Special Effects for Healthcare Devices and Pharmaceutical Packaging - Application Bulletin Application Overview Learn about the key characteristics and regulatory support Mevopur™ Special Effect Colorants offer for healthcare devices and pharmaceutical packaging 查看
Additives & Colorants for PET - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 List with examples of polymer additives and colorants that are suitable for PET resins 查看
钓鱼竿手柄 Case Study (Snapshot) Edgetek™ 玻璃填充热塑性塑料赋予钓竿手柄的韧性和硬度 查看
Rejoin PCR Colorants Product/Service Overview Description and key characteristics 查看
Mevopur™ Colors and Functional Additives for In Vitro Diagnostic Devices - Application Bulletin Application Overview Benefits of using Mevopur™ Colors and Functional Additives for in vitro diagnostic devices 查看
电动工具 Case Study (Snapshot) Edgetek™ PK PEEK 配方提高电动工具活塞环和连杆的强度、刚度和稳定性 查看
Bio-Based Design Furniture Case Study (Snapshot) OnColor™ custom masterbatch and engineered materials fulfilled color, appearance, UV stabilization and material requirements for biobased design furniture 查看
连续血糖监测仪 Case Study (Snapshot) 医疗器械 OEM 受益于预着色解决方案、Trilliant™ HC 热塑性塑料的单一来源供应商以及监管支持 查看
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