Zylon® PBO |
Product/Service Overview |
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Nomex® 间位芳纶 |
Product/Service Overview |
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Kevlar® 分销计划产品 |
Product/Service Overview |
购买小批量的 Kevlar - 点击此处了解更多
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Color and Additive Masterbatches for the Electrical and Electronics Industry |
Application Overview |
UL94 compliant masterbatches and flame retardant solutions meet the latest UL94 and Glow Wire standards
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PLASTIWARD Counterfeiting Protection |
Application Overview |
PLASTIWARD for plastic articles offers you fake-checking in real-time
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装卸平台密封门撑 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Gordon Composites™ 热固性复合材料弹簧具有耐用性和阻力,可用于加强装卸平台密封支撑
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Sustainability in Packaging - Video |
视频 |
Learn more about Avient's portfolio of sustainable solutions for packaging
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PET Bottle for Hair Care |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
OnColor™ Frost PET Effect delivered customized color and anti-UV combination for hair care bottle
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Small Cable Reel |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants delivered short lead time and cost effective solution for small cable reel
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Plastic Injection Molder |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants offered versatile solution across resins and low LDR
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Respirator Accessory Parts |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants provided resin compatibility for respiratory accessory parts
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OnColor™ UL 94 Colorants |
Product/Service Overview |
Concentrates for electrical and electronic applications that allow fast, cost-efficient project management
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Omnicolor™ Multipurpose Colorants - Product Bulletin |
Product/Service Overview |
Product description, key characteristics, markets & applications
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Mevopur™ Healthcare Colorants and Formulations for Ophthalmic Closures |
Application Overview |
Learn about the key characteristics and regulatory support Mevopur™ Healthcare Colorants and Formulations offer for ophthalmic closures
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护耳器支架 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
LubriOne™ 配方赋予 Sordin 护耳支架良好的机械性能和耐磨性
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采用抗菌技术的 GLS™ TPE - 产品简报 |
Product/Service Overview |
GLS™ TPE 内含抗菌添加剂,可抑制 99.9% 或以上的细菌生长,并可抑制真菌生长,以保护成品塑料零件
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ColorMatrix™ Amosorb™ 4020R rPET Booster - Product Bulletin |
Product/Service Overview |
Oxygen scavenger booster specifically formulated for use with recycled PET (rPET)
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Mevopur™ Special Effects for Healthcare Devices and Pharmaceutical Packaging - Application Bulletin |
Application Overview |
Learn about the key characteristics and regulatory support Mevopur™ Special Effect Colorants offer for healthcare devices and pharmaceutical packaging
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Additives & Colorants for PET - Product Selection Guide |
产品选型指南 |
List with examples of polymer additives and colorants that are suitable for PET resins
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钓鱼竿手柄 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Edgetek™ 玻璃填充热塑性塑料赋予钓竿手柄的韧性和硬度
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Rejoin PCR Colorants |
Product/Service Overview |
Description and key characteristics
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Mevopur™ Colors and Functional Additives for In Vitro Diagnostic Devices - Application Bulletin |
Application Overview |
Benefits of using Mevopur™ Colors and Functional Additives for in vitro diagnostic devices
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电动工具 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Edgetek™ PK PEEK 配方提高电动工具活塞环和连杆的强度、刚度和稳定性
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Bio-Based Design Furniture |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
OnColor™ custom masterbatch and engineered materials fulfilled color, appearance, UV stabilization and material requirements for biobased design furniture
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连续血糖监测仪 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
医疗器械 OEM 受益于预着色解决方案、Trilliant™ HC 热塑性塑料的单一来源供应商以及监管支持
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