LDS 天线阵列 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Edgetek™ ET9600 材料支持表面贴装技术(SMT),用于创新式 3D 天线设计。
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基站移相器 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
客户定制的 Edgetek™ 配方具备按需定制的 Dk/Df 性能,并加快了上市进程。
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CPAP Machine Cover |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Customized Versaflex™ TPE formulation to balance mar resistance, flow, and laser marking whiteness and clarity
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架空电缆护套 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
ECCOH™ 5978 UV 配方超出了材料的防火性能要求,并且满足架空电缆护套的所有其他性能标准
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Incipio 手机壳 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
定制的消费后回收 (PCR) 等级配方中含有 30% 的回收成分,可提供与优质聚碳酸酯等级相似的性能
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相移天线 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
采用定制的高介电常数 (Dk) 材料,实现了小型化
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外科缝合器外壳 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
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玩具用软泡沫弹药 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Versaflex™ Thermoplastic Elastomer 开发一种质量稳定的 TPE 解决方案,满足严格的硬度规格并提高了产量
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耐消毒剂 Trilliant™ 和 Versaflex™ HC 材料 - 计划公告 |
Product/Service Overview |
了解具有耐化学性的 Trilliant™ HC 热塑性塑料和 Versaflex™ HC TPE 如何增强耐用性以耐受常见的医院清洁剂和消毒剂
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用于 5G 透明度的 Versaflex™ CE TPE - 应用公告 |
Application Overview |
使用具有 5G 透明性的 Versaflex™ CE 3140 TPE 最大限度地减少信号损失以实现高速连接,适用于手机壳和 5G 设备
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Infant Milk Bottle |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Colorant Chromatics™ PPSU Precolor provided material able to withstand repeated steam sterilization and maintain excellent mechanical performance
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Air Fryer Window |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Colorant Chromatics™ PESU Concentrate added concentrate to a natural PES material allowing it to retain clarity and aesthetics in an FDA-compliant solution
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传送带齿轮用 LubriOne™ 内部润滑配方 - 应用简报 |
Application Overview |
了解 LubriOne™ 内部润滑配方如何成为传送带齿轮的理想解决方案
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光缆护套 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
ECCOH™ 热塑性配方提供了抗真菌和阻燃的光缆护套解决方案
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Mevopur™ Colorants and Functional Additives for Bormed™ Resins - Application Bulletin |
Application Overview |
Learn more about using Bormed resin concentrates in medical devices, diagnostics and pharmaceutical packaging
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ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ Four, One, Zero - Video |
视频 |
Learn about the benefits of using ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ Four, One, Zero in PET dairy and dairy-alternative packaging
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Automotive Color Design and Technologies - Technology Guide |
Processing & Design Guides |
Explore color and effects for automotives
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ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ Four, One, Zero - Product Bulletin |
Product/Service Overview |
Low inorganic and TiO₂ light blocking additive solutions for PET dairy and dairy-alternative packaging
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Complēt™ Moisture Resistant Nylons |
Product/Service Overview |
环境稳定型尼龙 6 和 6/6 长纤维复合材料具有恒定的结构性能,适用于间歇性暴露于水和高湿度中的应用
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REMAFIN™ EP White Colorants for Pharmaceutical Packaging - Application Bulletin |
Application Overview |
Learn about the key characteristics and regulatory support REMAFIN™ EP White Colorants offer for pharmaceutical packaging
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线束纱 |
Product/Service Overview |
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Micro Coax Cables |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Colorant Chromatics™ PFA Jet Black provided exceptional color and performance for micro coax cables
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钓鱼工具握把 |
Case Study (Snapshot) |
Avient Design 服务和定制化 Versaflex™ 湿抓力 TPE 相结合,为户外装备 OEM 提供优化且美观差异化的钓鱼工具
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Edgetek™ ET8900 CR 系列 |
Processing & Design Guides |
这些先进的耐化学腐蚀 Edgetek™ 材料的注塑成型参数和加工指南
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Edgetek™ ET8900 CR 系列 |
Product/Service Overview |
探索这些耐化学性 Edgetek 热塑性塑料的对比数据和性能特性(这些热塑性塑料对普通消毒剂表现出出色的耐化学性)
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