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Soft Touch Effect for Synthetic Fibers and Nonwovens - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about the key benefits of soft touch effects for synthetic fibers and nonwovens 查看
BIC 女式剃须刀手柄 Case Study (Snapshot) 与 BIC 合作开发了一种含 62% 回收成分的定制热塑性弹性体  查看
Chain Extenders for Recycled PET Fibers - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Benefits and applications for chain extenders for recycled PET fibers 查看
骨科固定装置 Case Study (Snapshot) 保持 halo 应用所需的刚度和直线度 查看
混凝土加固 Case Study (Snapshot) 提供符合特定 CA 法规的脱模布和其他表面改性功能,并能够更好地与混凝土粘合 查看
弓弦减震器 Case Study (Snapshot) 在保持性能和美学规格的同时保持刚度和直线度 查看
复合振动输送机弹簧 - 案例研究 案例分析 制造商通过高级复合材料提高性能并降低成本 查看
Edgetek™ High Impact PKE Formulations Product/Service Overview 抗冲改性聚酮 (PK) 配方具有优异的耐化学性、低吸湿性以及出色的高抗冲击性和耐磨性 查看
Black Colorants for Spun-Dyed PET and PA Fibers - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about the applications and key benefits of black colorants for spun-dyed PET and PA fibers 查看
Flame Retardants for Synthetic Fibers and Nonwovens - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about the applications and key benefits of flame retardants for synthetic fibers and nonwovens 查看
Light Stabilizers for Synthetic Fibers and Nonwovens - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Benefits and applications for light stabilizers for synthetic fibers and nonwovens 查看
Additives and Colorants for PP-R and PP-RCT Pipe Systems Application Overview Learn more about our additives and colorants portfolio for PP-R and PP-RCT pipe systems 查看
Edgetek™ Toughed PPA Formulations Product/Service Overview 了解聚邻苯二甲酰胺 (PPA) 配方的高热和低吸湿性 查看
人体工程学设计指南 Processing & Design Guides 详细了解符合人体工程学的握把设计注意事项,以改善与手持设备的交互 查看
天线电源电缆 Case Study (Snapshot) ECCOH 5565 解决方案确保天线电源电缆具有防火性能和可加工性  查看
Antenna Components Case Study (Snapshot) PREPERM™ Low-Loss Dielectric Solutions provide performance and processing benefits in antenna components.  查看
Fiber Colorants and Additives Overview Product/Service Overview Explore Avient's range of high performance colorants and additives solutions  查看
不同聚合物的微生物敏感性和含抗菌添加剂的热塑性弹性体评估 白皮书 检查我们的研究技术细节,以测试抗微生物侵袭,包括含抗菌添加剂的 GLS™ TPE 的功效 查看
枪弹匣外壳 Case Study (Snapshot) 提供耐用和耐冲击玻璃纤维增强配方,具有优异的表面光洁度和良好的尺寸稳定性,便于平稳操作 查看
烈酒瓶盖 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 材料的密度可供定制选择,并支持电镀,使其具有金属的外观和手感。 查看
奢华烈酒瓶盖 Case Study (Snapshot) 定制的 Gravi-Tech™ 配方可在电镀后达到金属的重量、外观和手感。 查看
圆形烈酒瓶盖 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 配方取代金属,为奢华瓶塞制造商实现 PVD 金属化。 查看
NIR Sortable Colorants for Recyclable Packaging - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview A range of colorants created without the addition of carbon black pigment. It permits black and dark polymers to be detected by near infrared (NIR) automatic sorting equipment. 查看
Mevopur™ Laser Marking Additives for Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Packaging Application Overview Learn more about the benefits of using Mevopur laser marking additives for medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging 查看
Mevopur™ Laser Welding Additives for Medical Devices - Application Bulletin Application Overview Benefits of using Mevopur laser welding additives for medical devices 查看
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