

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
Colorant Chromatics Catalog Product/Service Overview Learn about colorful options for high temperature polymers 查看
Photovoltaic Floating Power Station 案例分析 Explore how floating solar power stations get weathering protection from anti-uv color concentrate 查看
Versaflex™ CE Blue Jean Stain Resistant TPEs Product/Service Overview 用于白色或浅色手机壳的防污 TPE 查看
Aquamix™ Dispersions and Emulsions - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about how our high quality antioxidant dispersions and emulsions achieve standardization in meeting global requirements 查看
Hammerhead™ 船用复合板 Application Overview Explore Avient's composite panels designed for simplified installation, long-lasting components, and overall cost reduction for boat manufacturers. 查看
Complēt™/OnForce™ LFT Overview Product/Service Overview 借助轻质长纤维增强热塑性塑料优化刚度、强度和韧性,以获得结构性能。  查看
HVAC 门包边 - Denso - 案例研究 案例分析 Maxxam™ 聚烯烃配方解决方案不仅满足性能要求,还免除包覆成型麻烦,缩短周期时间。  查看
Stat-Tech™ Static Dissipative and Electrically Conductive Formulations Processing & Design Guides Stat-Tech™ 静电耗散及导电配方的注塑成型参数、启动和关闭、模具设计和故障排除建议 查看
ColorMatrix™ PET Packaging - Product Selection Guide (Portuguese) 产品选型指南 Brief overview of factors to consider when choosing PET as a packaging material and ColorMatrix™ product summary (Portugese language version) 查看
ColorMatrix™ Liquid Color - Product Selection Guide (Russian) 产品选型指南 ColorMatrix™ liquid color guide (Russian language version) 查看
GLS™ TPE - 注塑成型指南 Processing & Design Guides GLS™ 解决方案的零件设计、模具设计、热流道系统、包覆成型、机器选择、材料处理和准备、加工条件和故障排除指南 查看
VBX Series Vinyl Powder Formulations Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Product description, key advantages, services, markets and end-use applications 查看
GLS™ TPE 包装选购指南 - 产品选购指南 产品选型指南 GLS™ TPE 柔软触感包装解决方案 查看
Swiss Soldier's Pocket Knife Handle 案例分析 Bergamid™ 聚合物配方和 GLS™ TPE 替代金属,为瑞士士兵小折刀提供舒适性和实用性 查看
用于振动输送机设备的 Glasforms™ 和 Gordon Composites™ 热固性复合材料弹簧 - 应用公告 Application Overview 用于振动输送机设备的 Glasforms™ 和 Gordon Composites™ 热固性复合弹簧的优点和结构详情  查看
有什么区别?TPEs vs. Silicones for Portable Speakers - eBook 电子书 Learn protection and durability differences, pros and cons of each material, suggested applications and more in this e-book 查看
ColorMatrix™ Select™ Product/Service Overview Select™ is a combined hardware and software system for developing and prototyping new custom colors in real-time, at a customer’s site or at a Avient facility 查看
ColorMatrix™ Excelite Foaming Agents Product/Service Overview High performance liquid foaming additives for vinyl, polyethylene, and polystyrene foaming applications  查看
Specialty Inks - BU Overview Product/Service Overview Explore our range of specialty screen printing inks, including: non-phthalate PVC plastisol, water-based, silicone, and non-PVC plastisol 查看
Versaflex CE 蓝色牛仔抗污 TPE - 应用公告 Application Overview 了解蓝色牛仔防污 TPE 如何让白色和浅色手机壳与众不同 查看
用于手机壳的 Smart Materials™ - 电子书 电子书 在设计新的手机壳型号时,请考虑设计趋势、材料和加工选项。  查看
Trend Report: Efficient Manufacturing and Molded-In Color 电子书 Learn about molded-in color, the alternative to painting thermoplastic automotive parts.  查看
ColorMatrix™ Excelite™ IM - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Product description, key characteristics, markets and applications of ColorMatrix™ Excelite™ IM 查看
复合材料包覆成型概述 Processing & Design Guides 热塑性复合材料包覆成型工艺和应用概述 查看
Syncure™ XLPE - 产品选购指南 产品选型指南 电线和电缆的一般性能和拉伸性能、电气、热和易燃性值 查看
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