

Maxxam™ FR Flame Retardant Formulations and Maxxam™ NHFR Non-Halogen Flame Retardant Formulations


Maxxam™ FR 阻燃聚烯烃配方旨在满足严格的可燃性性能要求。提供符合 UL 94 V-2、V-0 和 5VA 性能等级的标准配方,产品组合中的许多产品均能提供更高的相对热指数 (RTI) 等级。

Jacketing and cross-web formulations meeting UL 444 for wire & cable and plenum applications are also available. As an industry standard with proven performance for nearly 20 years, Maxxam FR is an ideal choice for a variety of industries, including consumer, electrical and electronic, and wire and cable. Maxxam FR 不断发展,谋求满足市场不断变化的需求,包括对可持续性的需求。定制产品可以使用可回收 PP 和 PE 进行配制,以提高产品的可回收性,此外,提供的产品组合还有卤素产品和无卤产品。


Wind turbine icon 可持续基础设施


  • UL 94 V-2、V-0、5VA 等级和更高的 RTI 等级
  • UL 444 & Yellow Card ratings
  • Can be injection molded or extruded
  • Non-halogen grades available with low toxicity
  • 可着色
  • Low dielectric performance with select formulations
  • FEP 的替代品


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产品系列 应用 描述
Maxxam™ NHFR Formulations Electrical & Electronic, household appliances Non-halogen, UL94 V-2, and V-0 rated formulations
Maxxam™ FR Formulations for Wire & Cable Category cable insulation and cross-webs Non-halogenated and halogenated alternatives that meet demanding flame performance for UL 444 & Plenum Yellow Card ratings
名称 类别 描述  
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Busbar Carrier for EV Battery Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ NHFR Non-Halogen Flame Retardant Polyolefin Formulation provided a non-halogenated solution with increased performance for EV battery 查看
类别:电缆 Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ FR 配方符合严格的 UL 444 标准,并为一家大型电线电缆生产商节省大量的成本 查看
分类电缆 - 案例研究 案例分析 Maxxam™ FR 聚丙烯解决方案节省成本,提高数据处理能力 查看
Electronic Card Holder Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ NHFR Non-Halogen Flame Retardant Polyolefin Formulation provided a formulation that met UL and IEC standards 查看
Engineered Materials for EV Batteries Infographic Discover engineered polymers to advance battery design and performance 查看
Engineered Polymer Materials for EV Batteries 视频 Learn more about advanced polymer technologies that enhance EV battery design and performance to enable benefits such as extended vehicle range, lightweighting and sustainability. 查看
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Kitchen Extractor Hoods Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ NHFR formulation provides non-halogen flame retardant performance for extractor fan  查看
Living Wall Planter Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ NHFR Non-Halogen Flame Retardant Polyolefin Formulation provided an optimal balance of fire safety and durability for living wall planter 查看
Maxxam™ FR 阻燃聚烯烃配方 Product/Service Overview Overview of key characteristics, markets, applications and formulations 查看
Maxxam™ FR Injection Molding Processing & Design Guides Maxxam FR 聚烯烃配方的注塑成型参数和指南 查看
Maxxam™ NHFR Non-Halogen Flame Retardant Polyolefins 产品选型指南 View our portfolio of Maxxam™ NHFR Non-Halogen Flame Retardant Polyolefins 查看
电动工具电池组 Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ FR 配方为电动工具电池组提供基于阻燃和高密度聚乙烯的解决方案 查看
电动工具电池组 Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ NHFR Non-Halogen Flame Retardant Polyolefin Formulation provided a non-halogenated solution for manufacturer while increasing the thermal conductivity 查看
冰箱底座 Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ FR 阻燃剂配方为冰箱底座提供优秀的阻燃解决方案和优异的加工性能 查看
SEM Flame Retardant Solutions 视频 Discover Avient's portfolio of flame retardant engineered materials available in a range of polymers 查看
电线电缆 - 产品选购指南(中文版) 产品选型指南 探索适用于电线电缆应用的产品(中文版) 查看
电线电缆 - 产品选购指南(英文版) 产品选型指南 探索适用于电线电缆应用的产品(英文版) 查看
电线电缆 - 产品选购指南(西班牙语版) 产品选型指南 探索适用于电线电缆应用的产品(西班牙语版) 查看



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