
Near Infrared (NIR) Sortable Colorants


Enable Black and Dark Packaging to be Detected and Sorted for Recycling

OnColor™ NIR Sortable Black and Dark Colorants promote the correct sorting and recycling of dark polymers. This solution permits black and dark color polymers to be detected by near-infrared (NIR) automatic sorting equipment, enabling subsequent recycling. OnColor NIR sortable colorants are available in a range of dark tones, including blacks, and can also be customized to support the needs of brand owners, allowing dark packaging to remain an option for current products.


Circle recycling symbol, representing improved recyclability. 可回收解决方案


  • Customized sortable black and dark colors upon request
  • Solid or liquid form
  • Suitable for PET, polyolefins, and PCR
  • Processes: extrusion, injection, thermoforming
  • Coloration strength & dispersion quality, similar to conventional black masterbatch
  • Competitive Let-Down Ratio (LDR), depending on applicable standards, part-geometry, added ingredients
  • Food contact approval documentation available upon request



Product description, key characteristics, and applications of OnColor™ NIR Sortable Colorants.

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名称 类别 描述  
CAI Detectable Black for PCR Case Study (Snapshot) Discover how a cosmetics brand achieved circular packaging with glamorous and striking special effects 查看
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NIR Detectable Sortable Blacks for Recyclable Packaging - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview A range of colorants created without the addition of carbon black pigment. It permits black and dark polymers to be detected by near infrared (NIR) automatic sorting equipment. (Chinese language version) 查看
NIR Sortable Colorants for Recyclable Packaging - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview A range of colorants created without the addition of carbon black pigment. It permits black and dark polymers to be detected by near infrared (NIR) automatic sorting equipment. 查看
OnColor™ NIR Sortable Black Colorants 视频 New black colorants from Avient support circular economy and turn former waste into recyclable packaging 查看
Polyolefins – Aligning with Sustainability Goals Product/Service Overview Overview of ways to achieve sustainability using polyolefins 查看
Recycle Value Chain - Black IR Sortable Packaging Infographic Learn how Avient's black IR sortable packaging improves recyclability. 查看
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