

LubriOne™ 自润滑配方


LubriOne™ Internally Lubricated Formulations are designed to be self-lubricating. They offer lower coefficient of friction (COF) values and improved wear-resistant properties for molded parts. These materials combine the unique benefits of internal lubricants with a wide array of base engineering resins. LubriOne formulations help reduce friction, noise, vibration, and heat buildup as well as improve product durability.  They are ideal for applications that involve mating surfaces or extreme wear, including gears, pulleys, bearings, hinges, drawer guides and rollers, and conveyor belts. 

添加的几种润滑剂增强 LubriOne 配方的性能。Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) offers the lowest COF of any internal lubricant, allowing for significantly lower wear rates than traditional plastics. PTFE-free lubricants including silicone and molybdenum disulfide are also available, offering similar tribological and mechanical performance while avoiding the use of fluorinated content. Silicone behaves primarily as a boundary lubricant, and significantly reduces wear rates and COF when formulated into thermoplastics at low levels. 二硫化钼通常与尼龙树脂一起配制,以降低磨损率。Grades can be reinforced with glass, carbon, or aramid fibers to meet various application needs.


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  • 优异的耐磨性
  • 减少摩擦、热量积聚、噪声和振动
  • 改善零件的加工性能和表面光洁度
  • 较低的功耗要求和低廉的维护成本
  • 设计灵活性
  • 减轻重量
  • 提供耐化学腐蚀、无甲醛等级
  • 满足许多行业的应用要求,包括交通运输、工业、家庭、医疗保健、电气和电子等行业
  • PTFE-free grades available
  • Grades can be formulated with recycled content


LubriOne™ PKE 系列产品简报


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名称 类别 描述  
聚酮指南 - 概要手册 Product/Service Overview 全面了解这种新一代材料解决方案的性能和可持续性优势 查看
Alternatives to Nylon 6,6 Product/Service Overview 了解尼龙 6,6 的潜在替代材料,以应对当前的短缺 查看
弓弦滑套 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 配方保证射箭弓弦滑套部件的平稳操作,并赋予低 COF 和改良的耐磨性 查看
Edgetek™ PKE 和 LubriOne™ PKE 热塑性塑料的优势 - 视频 视频 Edgetek™ PKE 和 LubriOne™ PKE 热塑性塑料提供与尼龙和乙缩醛性能相当的环保型替代品。 查看
用于下一代医疗保健和消费品的耐化学性聚合物 Webinar Learn more about considerations for chemically resistant materials for product development and durability in this free on-demand webinar 查看
数据存储载体 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 赋予数据存储载体的尺寸稳定性和阻燃性  查看
一次性医用托盘 Case Study (Snapshot) 提供优异的耐磨性能和尺寸稳定性 查看
护耳器支架 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 配方赋予 Sordin 护耳支架良好的机械性能和耐磨性 查看
耐环境应力开裂 (ESCR) 设计指南 Processing & Design Guides 了解零件设计如何降低模制塑料零件的应力并改善产品的 ESCR 查看
Evaluating the Performance of PKE for POM Replacement 白皮书 Download this free study to determine if PKE can address POM's toxicity and sustainability issues without sacrificing performance 查看
更少的磨损,表现更出色 制品 减少摩擦和由此带来的磨损,提高汽车系统的使用寿命 查看
LubriOne Internally Lubricated Formulations 视频 Offering smooth performance from small-scale precision in hinges to industrial-grade durability in bearings. 查看
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LubriOne™ 配方(北美)- 产品选购指南 产品选型指南 LubriOne™ 配方产品描述和特性 查看
LubriOne™ 自润滑配方 Processing & Design Guides LubriOne™ 内部润滑配方的注塑成型参数、开机和停机、模具设计和故障排除建议 查看
传送带齿轮用 LubriOne™ 内部润滑配方 - 应用简报 Application Overview 了解 LubriOne™ 内部润滑配方如何成为传送带齿轮的理想解决方案 查看
LubriOne™ Internally Lubricated Formulations – PTFE-free Solutions Product/Service Overview Overview of key characteristics, markets and applications 查看
LubriOne™ Internally Lubricated Formulations – PTFE-free Solutions (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Overview of key characteristics, markets and applications (Chinese language version) 查看
LubriOne™ PKE Formulations Product/Service Overview 半结晶聚酮 (PK) 配方具有耐化学性、低摩擦性和生态环保优点,可作为尼龙和乙缩醛的替代品 查看
LubriOne™ 开关装置柱塞 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 赋予开关柜插座低摩擦性和耐磨性 查看
LubriOne™ 真空吸尘器齿轮 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 为真空吸尘器齿轮提供出色的耐磨性,使其更耐用 查看
聚酮,下一代可持续尼龙替代品 Webinar Learn more about polyketone, how it compares to nylons, its sustainability value, and potential applications in this free on-demand webinar 查看
打印机齿轮 Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne™ 可最大限度地减少摩擦,并减少打印机齿轮的磨损 查看
Specialty Furniture Fitting Case Study (Snapshot) LubriOne provides dimensional and processing stability for specialty furniture fitting 查看
Storage Box Latch for Automotive Aftermarket Manufacturer Case Study (Snapshot) Internally lubricated, LubriOne™ PKE formulation delivered rugged and durable performance for an easy-to-use slide latch for a storage box 查看

LubriOne™ 内部润滑配方产品选购指南


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