
Radiant Packaging

Skin Care

Skin Care Packaging delivers aesthetics and product protection

Skin care is a source of constant innovation in the cosmetics industry, and formulations are increasingly becoming more aggressive to packaging materials. As a result, it’s becoming more challenging to produce packages that not only attract consumers but also protect the efficacy of your products.


  • Special color effects for packaging including metallic, pearlescent, marble, granite, and wood effects
  • UV additives that deliver protection for your light sensitive products
  • High density materials that can deliver a premium feel
  • Soft touch TPEs for over-molded caps to engage your consumers with tactile elements
  • Chemically resistant TPEs and anti-microbial additives for value-added applicators and dispensing

名称 类别 描述  
Antimicrobial Additives for Dental Products Case Study (Snapshot) WithStand™ Antimicrobial Additives maintained sufficient antimicrobial functionality while achieving lower let-down ratios (LDRs) 查看
Antimicrobial Additives for Medical Gowns Case Study (Snapshot) Customized Cesa™ WithStand Antimicrobial Additives were used for medical gowns to support compliance and performance. 查看
Antimicrobials for Food Processing Environments Case Study (Snapshot) Incorporated additives to reduce microbe growth 查看
Antimicrobials for Personal Care Devices Case Study (Snapshot) Diminished microbes in patient mobility devices 查看
Antimicrobials for Potable Water Tanks Case Study (Snapshot) Mitigated causal effect of undesirable odors 查看
Antimicrobials for Roofing Membranes Case Study (Snapshot) Protected membranes from effects of flora, fungi and algae 查看
Antimicrobials for Touchscreen Surfaces Case Study (Snapshot) Low haze antimicrobial additives provide visual clarity in recycled material 查看
水系电池垫片 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE 为要求严苛的储能应用提供出色的密封性和耐化学腐蚀性 查看
Avient Wire & Cable Industry Bulletin Industry Overview Overview of how Avient serves wire & cable customers, highlighting both power and data cables technologies 查看
Building & Construction - Industry Bulletin Industry Overview Comprehensive overview of Avient technologies for applications within the B&C industry 查看
Cesa™ WithStand SX Low Haze Antimicrobial Additives Product/Service Overview Product description, key characteristics of low haze technology, markets and applications 查看
Cesa™ WithStand™ Antimicrobial Solutions Product/Service Overview Technology description, key characteristics, markets and applications 查看
椅子腰部支撑 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE 为主要座椅制造商的腰部支撑物提供合适的支撑体、外观和触感 查看
色精和添加剂解决方案概述 Product/Service Overview 着色剂和添加剂概述和功能 查看
Color Trends in Pet Products 电子书 Color & Insights Report: 2022 年 1 月 查看
Consumer Electronics November 2020 电子书 A look at six tech segments poised for growth, and actionable ideas to boost product performance 查看
Dental Care Products Manufacturer - Case Study 案例分析 Additives to preserve clarity and retain opacity developed for dental care products using WithStand™ 查看
飞盘高尔夫球盘 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE 提供一种多功能材料,可实现多种球盘功能、颜色和特性 查看
一次性注射器针头帽 Case Study (Snapshot) 提高过程效率,并制定了满足严格医疗应用要求的解决方案 查看
冷却器支脚和货车车轮踏面耐用性 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ G 赋予冷却器支脚和货车车轮踏面耐用性和紫外线稳定性 查看
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Market and Solutions Industry Overview Overview of EV charging market and technologies to enhance public charging stations 查看
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Solutions Product/Service Overview Challenges and solutions for materials used in EV charging stations 查看
Engineered Polymer Formulations for Firearm Components 产品选型指南 Overview of technologies, characteristics, and applications. 查看
Face Mask Ventilation Valve Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ G2711 热塑性弹性体为面罩通风阀提供生物相容性和柔软触感  查看
GLS™ TPE 婴儿护理解决方案指南 - 产品选购指南(中文版) 产品选型指南 安全、耐用且符合法规要求应用的理想 TPE,可用于奶嘴、奶瓶和浴缸等(中文版) 查看
GLS™ TPE 婴儿护理解决方案指南 - 产品选购指南(英文版) 产品选型指南 安全、耐用且符合法规要求应用的理想 TPE,可用于奶嘴、奶瓶和浴缸等(英文版) 查看
GLS™ TPE 室内软触握把 - 应用简报 Application Overview 室内应用 GLS™ TPE 软触握把的价值信息和价格比较 查看
GLS™ TPE - 注塑成型指南 Processing & Design Guides GLS™ 解决方案的零件设计、模具设计、热流道系统、包覆成型、机器选择、材料处理和准备、加工条件和故障排除指南 查看
GLS™ TPE - 包覆成型指南 Processing & Design Guides GLS™ TPE 的包覆成型材料选择、零件和模具设计、材料处理和准备、TPE 注塑成型、加工、最大化粘附性和故障排除指南 查看
GLS™ TPE 包装选购指南 - 产品选购指南 产品选型指南 GLS™ TPE 柔软触感包装解决方案 查看
Gravi-Tech 密度改良配方 - 奢华瓶塞设计指南 Processing & Design Guides Gravi-Tech 如何影响奢华化妆品和烈酒市场的包装瓶塞 查看
Gravi-Tech™ - 产品简报(中文版) Product/Service Overview 产品描述、价值解决方案、特点、市场和终端应用(中文版) 查看
Gravi-Tech™ - 产品简报(英文版) Product/Service Overview 产品描述、价值解决方案、特点、市场和终端应用(英文版) 查看
Gravi-Tech™ 密度改良配方 - 设计指南 Processing & Design Guides Gravi-Tech™ 聚合物-金属复合材料是一种高密度材料,是作为铅和其他传统金属的热塑性替代品而研发的材料。 查看
用于化妆品包装的 Gravi-Tech™ 密度改性配方和 Versaflex™ TPE 视频 使用 Gravi-Tech 和 Versaflex 解决方案改善您的化妆品包装 查看
用于化妆品包装的 Gravi-Tech™ 密度改性配方和 Versaflex™ TPE(中文版) 视频 使用 Gravi-Tech 和 Versaflex 解决方案改善您的化妆品包装(中文版) 查看
Gravi-Tech™ Density Modified Formulations Extended Version Processing & Design Guides Gravi-Tech™ 的注射成型参数和故障排除建议 查看
Gravi-Tech™ Density Modified Formulations Extended Version (Chinese) Processing & Design Guides Injection molding parameters and troubleshooting recommendations for Gravi-Tech™ (Chinese language version)   查看
用于奢华化妆品和烈酒包装的 Gravi-Tech™ 密度改良配方 Application Overview 使用密度改良配方为您的奢华包封装设计增加重量和美感 查看
Gravi-Tech™ E2 肉盒 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 配方能够实现对 E2 肉制品礼盒的磁性检测和颜色匹配。  查看
Gravi-Tech™ Knife Handle Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 取代高级厨房刀柄中的铝。 查看
Gravi-Tech™ 奢华瓶塞(英语和西班牙语版) Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 取代金属,并保持奢华瓶塞的高品质外观和手感(英语和西班牙语版)。 查看
Gravi-Tech™ 奢华瓶塞(英文版) Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 取代金属,并保持奢华瓶塞的高品质外观和手感(英文版)。 查看
Gravi-Tech™ 奢华瓶塞(西班牙语版) Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 取代金属,并保持奢华瓶塞的高品质外观和手感(西班牙语版)。 查看
Gravi-Tech™ 香水瓶盖 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-tech 密度改良配方赋予香水瓶盖的金属质感 查看
Gravi-Tech™ 便携式扬声器组件 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 解决方案取代金属,使便携式扬声器组件的设计自由度更高。 查看
Gravi-Tech™ 龙舌兰酒瓶塞 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech 密度改良配方简化瓶塞的加工过程 查看
Hearing Protection Headset Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech formulations meet acoustic performance test and reduce weight in ear defenders.  查看
Kitchen Knife Handles 制品 Cutlery manufacturer expands product line with dishwasher-safe knife handles featuring stainless steel-filled Gravi-Tech™ compound 查看
护膝 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ TPE 提供的材料符合 FDA 法规,可以为护膝提供超柔软触感 查看
Lower Exterior Bumper Case Study (Snapshot) Smartbatch™ Combination Colorants and Additives give the metallic look without the paint for an exterior bumper 查看
奢华烈酒瓶盖 Case Study (Snapshot) 定制的 Gravi-Tech™ 配方可在电镀后达到金属的重量、外观和手感。 查看
豪华牙刷底座 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 取代金属,并保持奢华牙刷底座的性能。 查看
Marine Application Material Solutions Application Graphic Explore a range of material solutions for marine applications such as boats, jet skis, and docks 查看
OnCap Light Shield Damage Protection - White Paper (Chinese) 白皮书 Information on application and use of light shield additives to protect products from light damage (Chinese language version) 查看
OnCap™ Light Shield Damage Protection - White Paper 白皮书 Information on the application and use of light shield additives to protect products from light damage 查看
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallics - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Learn how OnColor Brilliant Metallic Colorants produce a striking look for polymer parts (Chinese language version) 查看
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallics - Product Bulletin (English) Product/Service Overview Learn how OnColor Brilliant Metallic Colorants produce a striking look for polymer parts (English language version) 查看
OnColor™ FX Special Effect Colorants Product/Service Overview Overview of applications and benefits 查看
PET Bottle for Hair Care Case Study (Snapshot) OnColor™ Frost PET Effect delivered customized color and anti-UV combination for hair care bottle 查看
塑料管道系统挡板阀 - 案例研究 案例分析 Gravi-Tech™ 密度改良配方取代管阀中的黄铜。 查看
高级烈酒瓶塞 - 案例研究(英文版) 案例分析 尊贵的 Gravi-Tech 高密度瓶塞专注于烈酒行业展示的奢华感受(英文版) 查看
高级烈酒瓶塞 - 案例研究(西班牙语版) 案例分析 尊贵的 Gravi-Tech 高密度瓶塞专注于烈酒行业展示的奢华感受 查看
Snowmobile Application Material Solutions Application Graphic Explore a range of material solutions for snowmobiles and accessories 查看
Specialty Engineered Materials for Healthcare 产品选型指南 查看我们的医疗保健专用工程材料产品组合 查看
Specialty Engineered Materials for Healthcare (Chinese) 产品选型指南 查看我们的医疗保健专用工程材料产品组合(中文版) 查看
圆形烈酒瓶盖 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 配方取代金属,为奢华瓶塞制造商实现 PVD 金属化。 查看
烈酒瓶盖 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 材料的密度可供定制选择,并支持电镀,使其具有金属的外观和手感。 查看
Thermoplastic Elastomers Product Selection Guide - North America Portfolio 产品选型指南 探索我们的产品指南,了解适用于数千种应用的创新型 TPE 解决方案 查看
防振支脚用 TPE - 应用简报 Application Overview 使用 TPE 防振支脚,减少顶装式洗衣机的移动  查看
TPEs for Home Appliances Product/Service Overview GLS TPE 旨在通过减少电器运动和噪声,帮助您从竞争对手中脱颖而出 查看
网络研讨会:Overmolding with Thermoplastic Elastomers – An Essential Guide Webinar Learn about overmolding, material selection to enhance function, and design considerations that can help you address challenges and delight customers 查看
WithStand™ Antimicrobial Solutions for Electronic Accessories Application Overview Explore the many ways WithStand™ antimicrobial additives enhance product performance 查看
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