Office Supplies
Our lives are getting busier, and the need to be productive is more critical than ever. Every day, consumers are demanding products that support their busy, multi-tasking lifestyles.
We can provide solutions for the office or home, with materials, design, colorants and additives that span both spaces. Our solutions help improve the functionality, appearance and overall performance of your products. So your consumers can be ready for anything throughout the day.
- Calculators
- Shredders
- Projectors
- Easels
- Filing/storage
- Safes and lockboxes
聚合物添加剂 | 热塑性弹性体 | 聚氯乙烯配方 |
Cesa™ Percept™ Authentication Technologies | OnFlex™ 热塑性弹性体 | CORE™聚氯乙烯增塑溶胶 |
Cesa™激光添加剂 | Versaflex™ 热塑性弹性体 | |
Versollan™ 热塑性弹性体 |
名称 | 类别 | 描述 | |
Aircraft Flooring | Case Study (Snapshot) | Plastisols provided needed quality and performance for this aircraft interior OEM | 查看 |
Alternatives to Nylon 6,6 | Product/Service Overview | 了解尼龙 6,6 的潜在替代材料,以应对当前的短缺 | 查看 |
Anti-counterfeiting Technologies for Packaging | 制品 | 了解防伪技术的优缺点。 | 查看 |
抗菌手机壳 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ CE 3320-80 增强型解决方案,包括抗菌性能和耐污性 | 查看 |
汽车杯架垫 | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ AF TPE 为杯托垫提供全球解决方案,具有优异的低 VOC/FOG 特性和高质量、低光泽表面光洁度 | 查看 |
汽车 HVAC 风门(英文版) | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ LO 符合低 VOC/FOG 和短加工时间的 VIAQ 标准(英文版) | 查看 |
汽车 HVAC 风门(西班牙语版) | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ LO 符合低 VOC/FOG 和短加工时间的 VIAQ 标准(西班牙语版) | 查看 |
汽车内饰托盘符合 VIAQ 标准 | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ S 符合低 VOC/FOG 和易加工的 VIAQ 标准 | 查看 |
汽车内饰托盘符合 VIAQ 标准(西班牙语版) | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ S 符合低 VOC/FOG 和易加工的 VIAQ 标准(西班牙语版) | 查看 |
汽车照明红外透镜 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Edgetek™ ET9400-8005 IR 配方,为汽车照明传感器的红外透镜提供颜色定制服务 | 查看 |
汽车外后视镜垫片 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制热塑性弹性体为汽车外后视镜垫片提供抗紫外线和可加工性 | 查看 |
Avient 光纤电缆解决方案 | Application Overview | 了解光纤电缆的材料解决方案,包括工程纤维、特种工程材料、着色剂和添加剂 | 查看 |
Avient Wire & Cable Industry Bulletin | Industry Overview | Overview of how Avient serves wire & cable customers, highlighting both power and data cables technologies | 查看 |
Avient's Highly Engineered Materials for the Battery and E-mobility Market | 视频 | Watch this video to learn more about engineered solutions that can enable advanced mobility. | 查看 |
BOS - Battery S Frame | Case Study (Snapshot) | Nymax™ REC provides lightweight recycled solution for battery S frame. | 查看 |
Cash Machine Tray | Case Study (Snapshot) | Stat-Tech™ formulations provide electrostatic discharge, flame retardant performance, and excellent stiffness for cash machine tray | 查看 |
Cell Pack Cooling Tube | Case Study (Snapshot) | Provided excellent chemical resistance and sealing for cell pack cooling tube | 查看 |
Cesa™激光添加剂 | Product/Service Overview | Overview of applications and benefits | 查看 |
Cesa™ 激光打标添加剂 | Product/Service Overview | Product description, key characteristics and markets/applications | 查看 |
Cesa™ Laser Marking Solutions for the Transportation Industry | Product/Service Overview | Learn more about laser marking for the transportation industry | 查看 |
内部塑料溶胶生产的挑战 | Product/Service Overview | 内部生产塑料溶胶的注意事项 | 查看 |
用于化妆品包装的化学相容性 TPE - 应用公告 | Application Overview | 了解 Avient 的化学相容性 Versaflex™ PKG 热塑性弹性体如何提供各种触感饰面和表面纹理 | 查看 |
用于新一代设备的耐化学性聚合物 | 白皮书 | 检查化学品可能对塑料部件产生的破坏性影响,并了解如何防止消费级和医疗保健级应用中的环境应力开裂 | 查看 |
食品容器的夹锁闭合 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ 热塑性弹性体可提高性能并满足锁扣封口的食品合规性规定 | 查看 |
咖啡机密封 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 Versaflex™ 配方,具有出色的剥离力性能,可满足密封要求 | 查看 |
Color and Additive Solutions for Biopolymers | Product/Service Overview | Overview of color and additive solutions for biopolymers | 查看 |
色精和添加剂解决方案概述 | Product/Service Overview | 着色剂和添加剂概述和功能 | 查看 |
Color Trends in Pet Products | 电子书 | Color & Insights Report: 2022 年 1 月 | 查看 |
Colorants & Additives for Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Wire & Cable Applications | Product/Service Overview | Learn more about our portfolio of colorants and additives for TPU in wire and cable applications | 查看 |
Colorants and Additives for Wire & Cable (EMEA) | 产品选型指南 | Learn more about our portfolio for wire and cable applications (EMEA) | 查看 |
ColorMatrix™ FlexCart™ G | 视频 | Learn how to build a FlexCart™ G | 查看 |
ColorMatrix™ Select - Product Bulletin | Product/Service Overview | Rapid Color Prototyping Technology | 查看 |
Compartment Cover for Medical Device | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versollan™ Thermoplastic Elastomers achieved excellent adhesion and improved aesthetics and usability for compartment cover | 查看 |
复合弓握把 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Nymax™ 尼龙基材和 Versaflex™ TPE 包覆成型相结合,为弓箭 OEM 提供结构完整性和舒适性 | 查看 |
Compression Controller Housing Grip | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versollan™ TPEs were able to provide good adhesion to PCTG and a comfortable, ergonomic grip for a compression controller housing grip | 查看 |
电脑鼠标 - 案例研究 | 案例分析 | Versaflex™ TPE 用于制造具有柔软触感的符合人体工学的电脑鼠标 | 查看 |
隐形眼镜容器 - 案例研究 | 案例分析 | 定制 Versaflex™ 配方可提高隐形眼镜容器的生产效率 | 查看 |
CORE™ 乙烯基塑料溶胶 - 产品公告 | Product/Service Overview | 产品描述、主要特性、市场和应用 | 查看 |
化妆品滴管 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ 热塑性弹性体提高化妆品滴管的耐化学性 | 查看 |
气垫粉饼盖 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 提供具有出色密封性能和良好弹性的耐化学性材料,达到所要求的性能 | 查看 |
CPAP Tubing Film | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ CL2250 提高 CPAP 管路的舒适度和美观度 | 查看 |
Diastimeter Cover for Power Tool | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex ™OM Thermoplastic Elastomer provided a formulation with better wear resistance and met anti-static standard surface resistivity | 查看 |
E-Cigarette Manufacturer Housing | Case Study (Snapshot) | Edgetek™ Engineered Polymer Formulations provided customized speckle effect and passed flame retardant test | 查看 |
Edgetek™ ET8900 CR 系列 | Processing & Design Guides | 这些先进的耐化学腐蚀 Edgetek™ 材料的注塑成型参数和加工指南 | 查看 |
Edgetek™ ET8900 CR 系列 | Product/Service Overview | 探索这些耐化学性 Edgetek 热塑性塑料的对比数据和性能特性(这些热塑性塑料对普通消毒剂表现出出色的耐化学性) | 查看 |
螺丝刀手柄用 Edgetek™ 配方 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Edgetek™ 配方补强螺丝刀手柄的美观性和抗冲击性 | 查看 |
Edgetek™ High Performance Formulations | Processing & Design Guides | 适用于多种产品;Edgetek™ 高性能配方的注塑成型参数、启动和关闭、模具设计和故障排除建议 | 查看 |
Edgetek™ Toughed PPA Formulations | Product/Service Overview | 了解聚邻苯二甲酰胺 (PPA) 配方的高热和低吸湿性 | 查看 |
EEG Headset Parts | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ TPEs provided soft touch and satisfied regulatory requirements for EEG headset parts | 查看 |
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Market and Solutions | Industry Overview | Overview of EV charging market and technologies to enhance public charging stations | 查看 |
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Solutions | Product/Service Overview | Challenges and solutions for materials used in EV charging stations | 查看 |
Electrical Junction Boxes | 案例分析 | OnFlex™ S HF TPE 为电气接线盒提供无卤解决方案 | 查看 |
Engineered Materials for EV Batteries | Infographic | Discover engineered polymers to advance battery design and performance | 查看 |
Engineered Polymer Formulations for Firearm Components | 产品选型指南 | Overview of technologies, characteristics, and applications. | 查看 |
Engineered Polymer Materials for EV Batteries | 视频 | Learn more about advanced polymer technologies that enhance EV battery design and performance to enable benefits such as extended vehicle range, lightweighting and sustainability. | 查看 |
人体工程学设计指南 | Processing & Design Guides | 详细了解符合人体工程学的握把设计注意事项,以改善与手持设备的交互 | 查看 |
EV Charging Gun Grip | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ TPE Formulation provided chemical resistance and bonding for EV charging gun grip | 查看 |
钓鱼竿手柄 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Edgetek™ 玻璃填充热塑性塑料赋予钓竿手柄的韧性和硬度 | 查看 |
钓鱼工具握把 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Avient Design 服务和定制化 Versaflex™ 湿抓力 TPE 相结合,为户外装备 OEM 提供优化且美观差异化的钓鱼工具 | 查看 |
鞋垫 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制配方以实现超软凝胶性能而不会发粘 | 查看 |
Gaming Wheel Grip | Case Study (Snapshot) | A global consumer electronics brand used a Versaflex™ CE TPE to replace leather for soft touch, durable grip | 查看 |
园艺喷雾器握把 - 案例研究 | 案例分析 | OnFlex-S™ 用于 ABS 树脂手柄包覆成型 | 查看 |
摆动式喷灌机的全球影响力和抗紫外线性 | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ S KE 为摆动式喷灌机提供卓越的抗紫外线性和全球影响力 | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE Automotive Solutions Improve Vehicle Air Quality with TPEs for Automotive HVAC Flaps | Product/Service Overview | 将 TPE 用于汽车 HVAC 风门改善车辆空气质量 | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE 婴儿护理解决方案指南 - 产品选购指南(中文版) | 产品选型指南 | 安全、耐用且符合法规要求应用的理想 TPE,可用于奶嘴、奶瓶和浴缸等(中文版) | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE 婴儿护理解决方案指南 - 产品选购指南(英文版) | 产品选型指南 | 安全、耐用且符合法规要求应用的理想 TPE,可用于奶嘴、奶瓶和浴缸等(英文版) | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE 室内软触握把 - 应用简报 | Application Overview | 室内应用 GLS™ TPE 软触握把的价值信息和价格比较 | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE 户外软触握把 - 应用公告 | Application Overview | 适用于户外应用的 GLS™ TPE 柔软触感握把的价值信息和价格对比 | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE - 注塑成型指南 | Processing & Design Guides | GLS™ 解决方案的零件设计、模具设计、热流道系统、包覆成型、机器选择、材料处理和准备、加工条件和故障排除指南 | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE - 包覆成型指南 | Processing & Design Guides | GLS™ TPE 的包覆成型材料选择、零件和模具设计、材料处理和准备、TPE 注塑成型、加工、最大化粘附性和故障排除指南 | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE 用于汽车紧固件和夹具 - 产品简报 | Product/Service Overview | GLS™ TPE 用于汽车紧固件和夹子,实现长期性能 | 查看 |
GLS™ TPE 包装选购指南 - 产品选购指南 | 产品选型指南 | GLS™ TPE 柔软触感包装解决方案 | 查看 |
GLS™ Versaflex™ PF | Product/Service Overview | Versaflex™ PF 配方专为制造共挤表面保护膜而开发 | 查看 |
GLS™ Versaflex™ PF - 技术公告(中文) | Product/Service Overview | Versaflex™ PF 配方专为制造共挤表面保护膜而开发(中文版) | 查看 |
用于包装的 GLS™ Versaflex™ TPE - 产品选型指南 | 产品选型指南 | 用于化妆品、个人护理和家庭包装的耐化学性解决方案 | 查看 |
用于化妆品包装的 Gravi-Tech™ 密度改性配方和 Versaflex™ TPE | 视频 | 使用 Gravi-Tech 和 Versaflex 解决方案改善您的化妆品包装 | 查看 |
Gun Grip Sleeves | 案例分析 | Eco-conscious plastisols improve the firearm experience and meet guidelines | 查看 |
电动工具手柄的触觉和振动阻尼 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex OM 6258 改善电动工具手柄的触觉和振动阻尼 | 查看 |
LED 前照灯隔热组件 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 PA 级材料可以为前照灯 LED 隔热罩组件提供导热和导电 | 查看 |
Heat Sink for Rear and Fog Lights | 案例分析 | Design freedom, metal replacement and Thermally Conductive Formulations provide powerful solution for Elausa Electronics | 查看 |
LED 散热器材料 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Therma-Tech™ 可以为高功率 LED 散热器提供导热和导电 | 查看 |
HIVIZ® 射击系统反冲垫 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 GLS™ TPE 增强缓冲垫的用户舒适度和耐用性 | 查看 |
如何完善 LED 照明应用中的热管理 | 制品 | 了解聚合物如何改善热管理,减轻重量,提升设计自由度 | 查看 |
Hoyt VITALPOINT Grip - 案例研究 | 案例分析 | 了解 Versaflex™ 柔软触感热塑性弹性体如何提高准确性和舒适度,同时保持射箭弓的握把设计 | 查看 |
HVAC Thumb Wheel & Vent | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ Thermoplastic Elastomers provided reliable sealing and bonding for HVAC thumb wheel and vent in automobile | 查看 |
Impress™ High Gloss Colorants - Product Bulletin (Chinese) | Product/Service Overview | Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (Chinese language version) | 查看 |
电路板热交换器的轻量化和导热性 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Therma-Tech™ 可使电路板热交换器轻量化并助其导热 | 查看 |
轻质抗扭结花园软管 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 Versaflex™ TPE 可实现轻量化并提高抗扭结性和性能 | 查看 |
Lip Gloss Tip Brush | Case Study (Snapshot) | Delivered a formulation with good chemical resistance to oil in long-term environments and provided an easy-to-mold TPE and replaced TPU/TPEE with a better soft touch feel | 查看 |
Lip Gloss Tube Tip | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ Thermoplastic Elastomers met soft-touch design requirements and met FDA compliance | 查看 |
Lower Exterior Bumper | Case Study (Snapshot) | Smartbatch™ Combination Colorants and Additives give the metallic look without the paint for an exterior bumper | 查看 |
MAM Learn to Drink™ 杯(英文版) | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ FFC 增强消费者吸引力并符合欧洲 Learn to Drink™ Cup 的食品接触法规(英文版) | 查看 |
MAM Learn to Drink™ 杯(西班牙语) | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ FFC 增强对消费者的吸引力并符合欧洲 Learn to Drink™ Cup 食品接触法规(西班牙语版) | 查看 |
不同聚合物的微生物敏感性和含抗菌添加剂的热塑性弹性体评估 | 白皮书 | 检查我们的研究技术细节,以测试抗微生物侵袭,包括含抗菌添加剂的 GLS™ TPE 的功效 | 查看 |
OnColor™ Bio Colorants Coffee Capsules | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnColor™ Bio Colorants provide biodegradable and compostable solutions for coffee capsules | 查看 |
OnColor™ Bio Colorants Mulch Films (English) | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnColor™ Bio Colorants provide biodegradable and compostable solutions for mulch films (English language version) | 查看 |
OnColor™ Bio Colorants Mulch Films (French) | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnColor™ Bio Colorants provide biodegradable and compostable solutions for mulch films (French language version) | 查看 |
OnColor™ Bio Colorants Mulch Films (Italian) | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnColor™ Bio Colorants provide biodegradable and compostable solutions for mulch films (Italian language version) | 查看 |
OnColor™ Bio Colorants Mulch Films (Spanish) | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnColor™ Bio Colorants provide biodegradable and compostable solutions for mulch films (Spanish language version) | 查看 |
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallics - Product Bulletin (Chinese) | Product/Service Overview | Learn how OnColor Brilliant Metallic Colorants produce a striking look for polymer parts (Chinese language version) | 查看 |
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallics - Product Bulletin (English) | Product/Service Overview | Learn how OnColor Brilliant Metallic Colorants produce a striking look for polymer parts (English language version) | 查看 |
OnColor™ FX Special Effect Colorants | Product/Service Overview | Overview of applications and benefits | 查看 |
OnColor™ Impress™ High Gloss Metallic Effect Colorants (English) | Product/Service Overview | Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (English language version) | 查看 |
OnColor™ Lux Colorants | Product/Service Overview | Overview of our glow-in-the-dark colorants for automotive, consumer, and E&E products. | 查看 |
OnFlex™ 热塑性弹性体 - 行业简报 | Industry Overview | 为汽车应用提供热塑性弹性体解决方案。 | 查看 |
手机壳的光学清晰度 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ CE 3320-80 定制解决方案可增强耐污性和拉伸强度 | 查看 |
Orthopedic Shoe Sole | Case Study (Snapshot) | GLS™ Versaflex™ Thermoplastic Elastomer provided the right balance of haptics and fulfilled healthcare regulations | 查看 |
包覆成型防污无线充电宝 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 Versaflex™ CE 等级为无线移动电源提供一种具有耐污染性的包覆成型解决方案 | 查看 |
Pallet Non-slip Strips | Case Study (Snapshot) | Read how technical expertise and broad TPE portfolio shortened the development timeline and delivered a durable performance | 查看 |
越野车面板 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 十种工程材料和母粒解决方案为越野车面板提供全球服务改进 | 查看 |
PET Bottle for Hair Care | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnColor™ Frost PET Effect delivered customized color and anti-UV combination for hair care bottle | 查看 |
飞利浦新安怡奶瓶密封件(英文版) | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ FFC2882-87 为飞利浦新安怡奶瓶提供安全密封性能(英文版) | 查看 |
飞利浦新安怡奶瓶密封件(西班牙语) | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ FFC2882-87 为飞利浦新安怡奶瓶提供安全密封性能(西班牙语版) | 查看 |
小刀柄 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Bergamid™ 聚合物配方和 GLS™ TPE 替代金属,为瑞士士兵小折刀提供舒适性和实用性 | 查看 |
LED 照明的聚合物散热器 | 制品 | 从金属到 Therma-Tech™ 配方材料的转变推动 LED 组件制造商改进产品线 | 查看 |
Polyolefins – Aligning with Sustainability Goals | Product/Service Overview | Overview of ways to achieve sustainability using polyolefins | 查看 |
Power Tool Handle | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnFlex™ S KE Series provides scratch resistance and colorability for power tool handle | 查看 |
PP Inhaler Roll Cap | Case Study (Snapshot) | OnColor™ Lux Colorants were used for the inhaler roll cap application. | 查看 |
Pressure and Non-Pressure Pipes | Case Study (Snapshot) | Provided liquid colorant and dosing equipment for pipe manufacturer | 查看 |
Pressure-sensitive Switch Mats | Case Study (Snapshot) | Provided custom colors and durable solution for high-traffic area mats | 查看 |
Radiation Protection Aprons | Case Study (Snapshot) | CORE™ Vinyl Plastisols provided a plastisol solution to enhance performance and processing for radiation protection aprons | 查看 |
步枪后坐垫 - 案例研究 | 案例分析 | 定制 HIVIZ 反冲垫材料为高端步枪制造商提供卓越的后坐力减少和出色的耐用性 | 查看 |
Resuscitator Bag | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 Versaflex™ TPE 改进了工艺,并在不牺牲性能的情况下满足客户对乙烯基替代品的要求 | 查看 |
狗玩具的安全性和耐用性 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ 为狗玩具提供安全、抗撕裂的材料 | 查看 |
Safety Goggle Gasket | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ TPE delivers an FDA-compliant and soft touch for safety googles gasket | 查看 |
雾化器盖的密封 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 提供简单的注塑成型工艺,并通过耐久性测试,具有良好的耐磨性 | 查看 |
Seat Belt Tether Cover | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ Thermoplastic Elastomer provided flexibility and various environmental factors for seat belt tether cover | 查看 |
Seat Buckle System Colorants | Case Study (Snapshot) | SmartBatch™ Color & Additive MasterBatch system of three colors that met requirements for critical safety components | 查看 |
Seat Ventilation Tube | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ Thermoplastic Elastomers provided excellent sealing and overmolding for seat ventilation tube | 查看 |
SEM Flame Retardant Solutions | 视频 | Discover Avient's portfolio of flame retardant engineered materials available in a range of polymers | 查看 |
服务能力概览 | Product/Service Overview | 通过 Avient 的特种工程材料了解全面的技术服务,以便为客户提供帮助 | 查看 |
减震跑鞋 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 TPE 增强跑鞋减震性能 | 查看 |
防滑真空吸尘器轮 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ 为真空吸尘器轮提供可着色性和防滑性 | 查看 |
散热的智能替代方案节省了成本 | 制品 | 了解制造商如何利用 Therma-Tech™ 导热聚合物取代铝,以降低 LED 照明组件的散热成本并提高灵活性 | 查看 |
用于手机壳的 Smart Materials™ - 电子书 | 电子书 | 在设计新的手机壳型号时,请考虑设计趋势、材料和加工选项。 | 查看 |
Smartwatch Housing | Case Study (Snapshot) | 查看 | |
Snowmobile Application Material Solutions | Application Graphic | Explore a range of material solutions for snowmobiles and accessories | 查看 |
Snowmobile OEM Snow Flap | Case Study (Snapshot) | Read how the combined value of a specialty TPE and technical support met processing and performance demands | 查看 |
玩具用软泡沫弹药 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ Thermoplastic Elastomer 开发一种质量稳定的 TPE 解决方案,满足严格的硬度规格并提高了产量 | 查看 |
Specialty Engineered Polymers for Telecommunication Applications | 视频 | Discover materials from Avient that can enable faster and more reliable communication, minimize signal loss and maximize connectivity, protect electronics from static build up and radio frequency interference. | 查看 |
Specialty Engineered Polymers for Telecommunication Applications (Chinese) | 视频 | Discover materials from Avient that can enable faster and more reliable communication, minimize signal loss and maximize connectivity, protect electronics from static build up and radio frequency interference (Chinese language version) | 查看 |
Specialty, Static Dissipative Packaging | Case Study (Snapshot) | Stat-Tech™ Static Dissipative Formulations protected critical electronics from ESD while providing an environmental barrier | 查看 |
Stat-Tech for ADAS Sensors and ECUs | Application Overview | 了解 Stat-Tech 材料如何影响汽车 ADAS 传感器、摄像头和 ECU 外壳的发展 | 查看 |
Stat-Tech™ 火灾报警器 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Stat-Tech™ ST7400-8010 ESD 配方提高了火灾报警器电气部件的导电性能 | 查看 |
Stat-Tech™ Static Dissipative and Electrically Conductive Formulations | Processing & Design Guides | Stat-Tech™ 静电耗散及导电配方的注塑成型参数、启动和关闭、模具设计和故障排除建议 | 查看 |
Storage and Handling of Vinyl Plastisols | Product/Service Overview | 正确处理和储存乙烯基塑料溶胶以最大限度地延长保质期 | 查看 |
外科扭力扳手 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Formulated a specialty Edgetek™ thermoplastic that retained physical properties and dimensional stability under various testing conditions | 查看 |
Swiss Soldier's Pocket Knife Handle | 案例分析 | Bergamid™ 聚合物配方和 GLS™ TPE 替代金属,为瑞士士兵小折刀提供舒适性和实用性 | 查看 |
Therma-Tech™ for ADAS Sensors and ECUs | Product/Service Overview | 了解 Therma-Tech 材料如何影响汽车 ADAS 传感器、摄像头和 ECU 的发展 | 查看 |
Therma-Tech™ 导热配方 | Processing & Design Guides | 针对 Therma-Tech™ 导热配方的注塑成型参数、启动和关闭、模具设计和故障排除建议 | 查看 |
LED 散热器的导热和导电性能 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 PA 级材料可以为 LED 散热器提供导热和导电 | 查看 |
天然气开采中热交换器的导热性能 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Therma-Tech™ 可用于天然气开采中热交换器的导热 | 查看 |
板式热交换器的导热性能 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Therma-Tech™ 可以为汽车热交换器提供导热 | 查看 |
Thermoplastic Elastomers for Healthcare Overview | Industry Overview | 为严苛的医疗保健应用提供专业的热塑性弹性体解决方案 | 查看 |
Thermoplastic Elastomers Product Selection Guide - North America Portfolio | 产品选型指南 | 探索我们的产品指南,了解适用于数千种应用的创新型 TPE 解决方案 | 查看 |
止血带 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 定制 GLS™ 热塑性弹性体取代用于止血带的热固性橡胶 | 查看 |
TPE for Workout Resistance Band | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ Thermoplastic Elastomers offer excellent rebound resilience to replace thermoset rubber with a recyclable material | 查看 |
防振支脚用 TPE - 应用简报 | Application Overview | 使用 TPE 防振支脚,减少顶装式洗衣机的移动 | 查看 |
TPEs for Home Appliances | Product/Service Overview | GLS TPE 旨在通过减少电器运动和噪声,帮助您从竞争对手中脱颖而出 | 查看 |
TPEs for Molded Case Circuit Breaker Phase Barrier | Application Overview | 使用 TPE 相位屏障降低塑壳断路器故障的可能性 | 查看 |
Understanding TPE Performance for Enabling 5G Technologies | 白皮书 | Study of the effects of formulation and thickness on the dielectric, signal transparency properties of Versaflex TPEs | 查看 |
吸尘器垫片 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ OM 为吸尘器垫圈提供更好的设计和良好的密封性能 | 查看 |
Vacuum Cleaner Handle | Case Study (Snapshot) | Stat-Tech™ Static Dissipative & Electrically Conduction formulations provided flame retardant and anti-static solution for vacuum cleaner handle | 查看 |
车辆 HVAC 系统着色剂和添加剂 | Case Study (Snapshot) | 七种母粒(颜色 + 效果添加剂)解决方案相结合,改善车内空气质量 (VAIC) | 查看 |
Vehicle Light Heat Sink | Case Study (Snapshot) | Therma-Tech™ provided thermal conductivity and reduced part weight in vehicle light heat sink | 查看 |
Vehicle Light Heat Sinks | Case Study (Snapshot) | Therma-Tech™ provided lighter weight solutions with required thermal conductivity for automotive light heat sinks | 查看 |
Versaflex CE Blue Jean Stain Resistant TPEs | Product/Service Overview | 用于白色或浅色手机壳的防污 TPE | 查看 |
Versaflex CE 蓝色牛仔抗污 TPE - 应用公告 | Application Overview | 了解蓝色牛仔防污 TPE 如何让白色和浅色手机壳与众不同 | 查看 |
用于 5G 透明度的 Versaflex™ CE TPE - 应用公告 | Application Overview | 使用具有 5G 透明性的 Versaflex™ CE 3140 TPE 最大限度地减少信号损失以实现高速连接,适用于手机壳和 5G 设备 | 查看 |
用于 5G 透明度的 Versaflex™ CE TPE - 应用公告(中文) | Application Overview | 使用具有 5G 透明度的 Versaflex™ CE 3140 TPE 最大限度地减少信号损失以实现高速连接,适用于手机壳和 5G 设备(中文版) | 查看 |
用于便携式扬声器解决方案的 Versaflex™ TPE - 产品公告(英文) | Product/Service Overview | Versaflex™ TPE 用于便携式扬声器的垫圈和防水防尘包覆成型应用(英文版) | 查看 |
用于便携式扬声器的 Versaflex™ TPE - 产品公告(中文) | Product/Service Overview | Versaflex™ TPE 用于便携式扬声器的垫圈和防水防尘包覆成型应用(中文版) | 查看 |
Versaflex™ XP 湿抓力 TPE - 产品公告 | Product/Service Overview | Versaflex™ XP 2850 湿抓力 TPE 提供出色的湿动力 COF 性能,可增强潮湿环境中的抓力 | 查看 |
Vibration Damping Thermoplastic Elastomers | 视频 | Learn how Avient can help unwanted movement and noise in your products with vibration damping thermoplastic elastomers. | 查看 |
视频游戏控制器手柄 - 案例研究 | 案例分析 | 借助 Versaflex™ OM,夜光控制器手柄获得舒适优势 | 查看 |
Water Storage and Purification Equipment | 案例分析 | Laser-marking additive, an authentication additive, and colorant— bundled into a single Smartbatch™ concentrate | 查看 |
防水喇叭垫片 | Case Study (Snapshot) | Versaflex™ CE 3120-40 可轻松防止灰尘和水进入 | 查看 |
网络研讨会:Overmolding with Thermoplastic Elastomers – An Essential Guide | Webinar | Learn about overmolding, material selection to enhance function, and design considerations that can help you address challenges and delight customers | 查看 |