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封闭系统药物转移装置 Case Study (Snapshot) 定制 Versalloy™ HC 9220-90 配方确保药物转移装置合规  查看
Dynaflex™ G2711 热塑性弹性体面罩 Case Study (Snapshot) Dynaflex™ G2711 热塑性弹性体为面罩通风阀提供生物相容性和柔软触感  查看
LED 前照灯隔热组件 Case Study (Snapshot) 定制 PA 级材料可以为前照灯 LED 隔热罩组件提供导热和导电  查看
Power Tool Handle Case Study (Snapshot) OnFlex™ S KE Series provides scratch resistance and colorability for power tool handle  查看
LED 散热器材料 Case Study (Snapshot) Therma-Tech™ 可以为高功率 LED 散热器提供导热和导电 查看
OnColor™ W&C Choice Colorants Product/Service Overview Product description, key characteristics and typical applications 查看
Nylon Solutions Engineered Thermoplastics (English) 产品选型指南 Nylon (polyamide) solutions encompass both custom and standard grades from the prime Bergamid™ / Nymax™  Polymer Formulations and Nymax™ REC Recycled Nylon Formulations portfolio (English language version) 查看
CORE™ 乙烯基粉末 - 产品公告 Product/Service Overview CORE™ 乙烯基粉末涂料是悬浮 PVC 树脂的干混物,经过塑化以提高柔韧性 查看
外门增强复合材料 Case Study (Snapshot) Polystrand™ PETG 连续纤维增强复合层压板,可热粘合到钢制门饰面上 查看
防水喇叭垫片 Case Study (Snapshot) Versaflex™ CE 3120-40 可轻松防止灰尘和水进入 查看
抗菌手机壳 Case Study (Snapshot) Versaflex™ CE 3320-80 增强型解决方案,包括抗菌性能和耐污性 查看
手机壳的光学清晰度 Case Study (Snapshot) Versaflex™ CE 3320-80 定制解决方案可增强耐污性和拉伸强度 查看
Precolor for 3D Dental Scanner Case Study (Snapshot) Colorant Chromatics™ Precolored Gray and Precolored White PSU able to withstand steam sterilization in an autoclave 查看
Antimicrobial Additives for Dental Products Case Study (Snapshot) WithStand™ Antimicrobial Additives maintained sufficient antimicrobial functionality while achieving lower let-down ratios (LDRs) 查看
Smarter Materials™ High Performance Thermoplastics - eBook 电子书 Learn about high-performance thermoplastics that surpass commodity and engineering resins with their exceptional capabilities 查看
ECCOH 6154 for Optical Fiber Cable Case Study (Snapshot) 光缆用的微型模块,使用可靠的材料实现更快的加工速度和制造一致性 查看
邻苯二甲酸酯事实 - 宣传册 Product/Service Overview 塑料中的邻苯二甲酸酯 - 了解事实 查看
ECCOH™ LSFOH 6153 和 6154 抗紫外线配方 Product/Service Overview 提高光纤电缆的加工速度和抗凝胶性 查看
MagIQ™ Nonwoven Electret Additives (English) Application Overview Functional masterbatch for protective face masks (English version) 查看
Off-Road Vehicle Structural Body Components Case Study (Snapshot) Nymax™ REC grade provided part consolidation and strength for off-road vehicle manufacturer 查看
车辆 HVAC 系统着色剂和添加剂 Case Study (Snapshot) 七种母粒(颜色 + 效果添加剂)解决方案相结合,改善车内空气质量 (VAIC) 查看
Seat Buckle System Colorants Case Study (Snapshot) SmartBatch™ Color & Additive MasterBatch system of three colors that met requirements for critical safety components 查看
Paint Replacement for Automotive Center Console Case Study (Snapshot) SmartBatch™ FX for Paint Replacement delivers the appearance and performance of a painted part for an automotive console 查看
CORE™ 乙烯基塑料溶胶 - 产品公告 Product/Service Overview 产品描述、主要特性、市场和应用 查看
Bergamid™ 激光焊接解决方案(英文版) Product/Service Overview Bergamid™ 激光焊接解决方案帮助客户生产具有耐用焊缝和光滑表面的高性能零件(英文版) 查看
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