

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
CESA™ Antimicro Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Explore Avient's portfolio of CESA Antimicro Additives 查看
Chemical Foaming Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Selection guide featuring liquid and solid CFAs 查看
Colormatrix™ Smartheat™ RHC吸热剂 Product/Service Overview Details on performance, processing and more 查看
Additives and Colorants for Stadium and Arena Seats Application Overview Learn more about color combinations when flame retardancy is needed 查看
腹腔镜封口机手柄外壳 Case Study (Snapshot) 增强人体工程学和功能,改进柔软握把 查看
电动理发器 Case Study (Snapshot) 提供专业配色方案,使玻璃纤维补强配方符合特定客户的要求 查看
Pipe and Conduit Case Study (Snapshot) Provided a safe and sustainable environment by helping reduce workplace dust exposure 查看
Antimicrobial Additives for Synthetic Fibers and Nonwovens - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about the applications and benefits of Antimicrobial Additives for Synthetic Fibers and Nonwovens 查看
地上游泳池复合侧壁 Case Study (Snapshot) Polystrand™ 热塑性复合层压板解决方案取代金属,并提供出色的耐腐蚀性  查看
雾化器盖的密封 Case Study (Snapshot) 提供简单的注塑成型工艺,并通过耐久性测试,具有良好的耐磨性 查看
ColorMatrix™ Optica™ Toners (Chinese) Product/Service Overview PET blue toners and colors for enhanced recyclability (Chinese language version) 查看
一次性医用托盘 Case Study (Snapshot) 提供优异的耐磨性能和尺寸稳定性 查看
一次性注射器针头帽 Case Study (Snapshot) 提高过程效率,并制定了满足严格医疗应用要求的解决方案 查看
Cesa™ Anti-fog Plus Additives for Multilayer Films- Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Solutions that work in both hot and cold fog conditions and in mono and multilayer film to keep food attractive for longer (Chinese language version) 查看
Rejoin PCR Masterbatch for Polyolefins - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Description and key characteristics (Chinese language version) 查看
Carbon Fiber Composites Overview Infographic 快速了解这些坚固、轻量的金属替代品 查看
Body Scanner Case Study (Snapshot) PREPERM™ PPE reduced dielectric loss in body scanner 查看
Acoustic and Thermal Management Systems in Automotives Case Study (Snapshot) Use of chain extender to help increase the share of recycled PET fibers in acoustic and thermal management car components 查看
MagIQ™ Nonwoven Electret Additives for High-efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters (Traditional Chinese) Application Overview Functional masterbatch for high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters (Traditional Chinese language version) 查看
Pressure and Non-Pressure Pipes Case Study (Snapshot) Provided liquid colorant and dosing equipment for pipe manufacturer 查看
NIR Detectable Sortable Blacks for Recyclable Packaging - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview A range of colorants created without the addition of carbon black pigment. It permits black and dark polymers to be detected by near infrared (NIR) automatic sorting equipment. (Chinese language version) 查看
MagIQ™ Nonwoven Electret Additives for High-efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters (Simplified Chinese) Application Overview Functional masterbatch for high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters (Simplified Chinese language version) 查看
Polystrand 单向复合胶带 - 视频 视频 连续纤维增强热塑性塑料复合胶带可切割成 2 英寸至 24 英寸的自定义宽度 查看
PREPERM™ & Edgetek™ Low-Loss Dielectric Thermoplastics Product/Service Overview 了解这些针对 5G 应用和基础设施进行优化的高频导电材料的性能和技术特性 查看
MagIQ™ Nonwoven Electret Additives for High-efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters (English) Application Overview Functional masterbatch for high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters (English language version) 查看
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