

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
医疗保健专用工程材料 - 产品选型指南(中文) 产品选型指南 查看我们的医疗保健专用工程材料产品组合(中文版) 查看
CFAs for Exterior Building Products Case Study (Snapshot) Solid and liquid CFA solutions for sheet/profile extrusion 查看
Specialty Formulations for Electrical & Electronic Applications - Video (Chinese) 视频 Discover how you can get more from Avient's colorants, additives and engineered materials for E&E plastic components and infrastructure (Chinese language version) 查看
双频天线制造商定位系统 Case Study (Snapshot) 在注射成型过程中具备了稳定的介电性能 查看
鞋垫 Case Study (Snapshot) 定制配方以实现超软凝胶性能而不会发粘 查看
Colorant Chromatics™ Transcend Premier Healthcare Colorants Product/Service Overview Product overview, key characteristics, markets & applications 查看
医疗保健专用工程材料 - 产品选型指南 产品选型指南 查看我们的医疗保健专用工程材料产品组合 查看
Specialty Formulations for Electrical & Electronic Applications - Video 视频 Discover how you can get more from Avient's colorants, additives and engineered materials for E&E plastic components and infrastructure 查看
Nymax™ BIO Bio-based Polyamide Solutions - Product Bulletin (Chinese) 产品选型指南 Learn about key characteristics and applications for Nymax™ BIO Bio-based Polyamide Solutions (Chinese language version) 查看
White Paper: 热塑性复合夹芯板 白皮书 采用热塑性复合夹芯板时的设计优化、预测工具和最佳实践 查看
Dental Scaler Case Study (Snapshot) Improved aesthetics and performance for dental scaler 查看
Tibial Trials Case Study (Snapshot) Transcend™ Premier Healthcare Colorants provided biocompatibility and enhanced aesthetics for tibial trials 查看
CESA Release Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
CESA Nox Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
Cesa™ Stat Antistatic Additives 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
Cesa™ 光添加剂 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
CESA Slip Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
Cesa™ Flame Retardant Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
CESA Block Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
CESA Extend Additives - Product Selection Guide 产品选型指南 Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type 查看
Nymax™ BIO Bio-based Polyamide Solutions - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about key characteristics and applications for Nymax™ BIO Bio-based Polyamide Solutions 查看
MEVOPUR™ Chemical Foaming Agents for Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Packaging - Application Bulletin (Japanese) Application Overview Benefits of using MEVOPUR Chemical Foaming Agents for medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging (Japanese language version) 查看
Mevopur™ Bio-Based Polymer Solutions for Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Packaging (Japanese) Application Overview Learn more about the benefits of using Mevopur™ bio-based polymer solutions in medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging (Japanese language version) 查看
外科扭力扳手 Case Study (Snapshot) Formulated a specialty Edgetek™ thermoplastic that retained physical properties and dimensional stability under various testing conditions  查看
Avient Design Capabilities Overview - Brochure Product/Service Overview Learn about our comprehensive design & engineering services that support and accelerate product development 查看
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