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ECCOH 5161 - 光缆在铁路中的吹缆应用 Case Study (Snapshot) ECCOH 5161 配方在铁路光缆中提供灵活性并改善可加工性  查看
ECCOH™ 5970 - 细 FTTH 电缆 Case Study (Snapshot) ECCOH™ 5970 为细 FTTH 电缆提供抗压碎、耐化学和抗紫外线性能 查看
PP-R and PP-RCT Pipe & Fittings Case Study (Snapshot) Matched color references in concentrates suitable for PP-R and PP-RCT 查看
Sustainable Fiber Coloration Technology (Spin-Dyeing) 白皮书 Take the next big step towards true sustainability in fashion textiles 查看
用于静脉输液接头保护帽的 Versaflex™ HC TPE(英文版) 视频 使用定制的 Versaflex™ HC 再密封 TPE 解决方案来探索 IV 输液密封件和盖帽技术的更多可能性 查看
用于外科缝合器的 Trilliant™ HC 热塑性塑料和 Versaflex™ HC TPE(中文) 视频 探索用于外科缝合器的 Trilliant™ HC 热塑性塑料和 Versaflex™ HC TPE 的更多可能性 查看
Gravi-Tech™ E2 肉盒 Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 配方能够实现对 E2 肉制品礼盒的磁性检测和颜色匹配。  查看
咖啡机密封 Case Study (Snapshot) 定制 Versaflex™ 配方,具有出色的剥离力性能,可满足密封要求 查看
Nymax™ BIO 生物基聚酰胺解决方案 Processing & Design Guides Injection molding parameters and guidelines for Nymax BIO Bio-based Polyamide Solutions. 查看
Piranha 螺旋桨 - 案例研究 案例分析 阅读以了解长纤维复合材料如何帮助 Piranha 螺旋桨增加韧性和设计灵活性 查看
Mevopur™ Polymer Colorants and Additives 视频 Discover how our polymer colorants and additives can bring healthcare to life. 查看
Trendwatch™ 克服 5G 组件挑战(英文版) 电子书 了解 5G 革命的趋势和挑战,以及为之设计的下一代材料 查看
用于外科缝合器的 Trilliant™ HC 热塑性塑料和 Versaflex™ HC TPE(英文版) 视频 探索用于外科缝合器的 Trilliant™ HC 热塑性塑料和 Versaflex™ HC TPE 的更多可能性  查看
Maxxam™ FR Injection Molding Processing & Design Guides Maxxam FR 聚烯烃配方的注塑成型参数和指南 查看
Avient 光纤电缆解决方案 Application Overview 了解光纤电缆的材料解决方案,包括工程纤维、特种工程材料、着色剂和添加剂 查看
Complēt REC 长纤维增强热塑性塑料 Product/Service Overview 含回收树脂 Complēt REC 长纤维增强复合材料的性能数据和信息 查看
Cesa™ Nox A4R Additives for Recycling Polyolefin Antioxidant for Enhanced Recycling Product/Service Overview Find out how our specialized antioxidant additive stabilizes polyolefins during processing, preventing typical defects like discoloration, gels, and black spots through multiple recycling loops. 查看
Avient PCR Color Prediction Service - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Service description, key characteristics and markets & applications 查看
Syncure™ XLPE Formulations Product/Service Overview 电线和电缆用单接枝解决方案的主要特点和优势概述 查看
UV Laser Marking Technology for FEP Product/Service Overview Product description, key characteristics and markets / applications  查看
Color & Additives Animal Free & Food Contact Approved Film Additives Product/Service Overview Discover our animal free additive solutions for flexible food packaging with extensive food contact approval 查看
Mevopur™ Bio-Based Polymer Solutions for Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Packaging (Chinese) Application Overview Learn more about the benefits of using Mevopur™ bio-based polymer solutions in medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging (Chinese language version) 查看
CycleWorks™ Bulletin Product/Service Overview Discover our testing and evaluation facility which explores real-world recycling in a research environment  查看
Versaflex™ HC TPEs for Laryngeal Mask Airway 视频 Discover how our Versaflex™ HC TPEs provided the ultra-soft and gel-like feel, optimized performance, and complied with FDA and ISO 10993 requirements. 查看
ColorMatrix™ Amosorb™ - Technical Bulletin Product/Service Overview Read about the ColorMatrix Amosorb™ SolO₂ recyclability study showing optimal results through two full loops of recycling. 查看
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