

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
ECCOH™ LSFOH 电线电缆 - 产品选购指南(中文版) 产品选型指南 最适合 ECCOH™ 低烟雾无卤解决方案的应用和电缆类型、市场、一般性能和特点(中文版) 查看
OnColor™ Impress™ High Gloss Metallic Effect Colorants (English) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (English language version) 查看
GLS™ TPE 婴儿护理解决方案指南 - 产品选购指南(中文版) 产品选型指南 安全、耐用且符合法规要求应用的理想 TPE,可用于奶嘴、奶瓶和浴缸等(中文版) 查看
Outdoor Industry Overview - Brochure Industry Overview Read about our polymer solutions for outdoor gear and equipment 查看
GlasArmor and ThermoBallistic Ballistic Panels - Product Selection and Install Guide 产品选型指南 GlasArmor and ThermoBallistic composite ballistic panels are suitable for indoor and outdoor use in commercial, governmental, industrial and residential applications 查看
OnCap™ Denesting - Case Study (Chinese) 案例分析 Enables effective package separation and improve manufacturing operations such as mold release during thermoforming and packaging pick and place operations (Chinese language version) 查看
用于化妆品包装的化学相容性 TPE - 应用公告 Application Overview 了解 Avient 的化学相容性 Versaflex™ PKG 热塑性弹性体如何提供各种触感饰面和表面纹理 查看
OnColor™ Colorants Color Shades of Nature - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview A collection of 10 special effects collorants inspired by nature 查看
Automotive Technology Snapshot Industry Overview Learn more about Avient's products and services in the automotive industry.  查看
ColorMatrix™ Flexcart™ Nano Liquid Metering System Flyer Product/Service Overview Smallest footprint in the range 查看
Surround™ 连接器盖 Case Study (Snapshot) 对频率范围从 30MHz 至 2GHz 的波段具有 EMI 屏蔽性能 查看
Kitchen Knife Handles 制品 Cutlery manufacturer expands product line with dishwasher-safe knife handles featuring stainless steel-filled Gravi-Tech™ compound 查看
reFlex™ 100 High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer Compared with Other High Solvating Plasticizer Alternatives - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview reFlex™ 100 high solvating bio-derived plasticizer compared to other high solvating plasticizer alternatives 查看
Cesa™ 清洁添加剂 Product/Service Overview When and why to use Cesa™ Clean 查看
Electrical Junction Boxes 案例分析 OnFlex™ S HF TPE 为电气接线盒提供无卤解决方案 查看
Universal Polyamide Overmold Thermoplastic Elastomer - White Paper 白皮书 Background of old nylon overmolding compared to new polyamide technology 查看
OnForce™ LFT Long-Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market and applications 查看
Syncure™ XLPE General Extrusion Guidelines (English) Processing & Design Guides Syncure™ XLPE 挤出机信息和加工指南,包括温度、模头端火焰、线速度、螺杆冷却和净化化合物(英文版) 查看
Smart Materials™ Vibration Damping - eBook 电子书 Learn more about the different types of vibration and identify ways you can use materials to mitigate the problems it causes 查看
Adventure Sports - Brochure Industry Overview Learn how our polymer solutions can benefit adventure sports gear 查看
OnCap™ Anti-fog Additives Product Bulletin (English) Product/Service Overview Packaging made with anti-fog additives offers the transparency and fog prevention required to confidently present fresh foods to consumers (English language version) 查看
Polystrand 复合增强板 - 应用公告 Application Overview 汽车内饰用 Polystrand 无纺布/复合板  查看
Colorant Chromatics Catalog (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Learn about colorful options for high temperature polymers 查看
适用于严苛应用的 Smart Materials™ 高级复合材料 - 电子书 电子书 全面了解复合材料,以便确定满足您需求的最佳解决方案 查看
Silicone Dispersion Technologies Product/Service Overview Colorant and additive dispersions that provide enhanced performance and color consistency 查看
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