

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
Cesa™ WithStand™ Antimicrobial Solutions - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Technology description, key characteristics, markets and applications 查看
Dental Floss Container - Case Study 案例分析 OnColor™ HC Colorants used to streamline color development and production of dental floss containers 查看
Novel Thermoplastic Elastomers with Universal Bonding Characteristics - White Paper 白皮书 Introduction to TPEs that universally bond to non-polar substrates such as polypropylene 查看
reFlex™ BioPlasticizers as a Productivity Tool - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview reFlex 100 bio-derived plasticizer can help you reach new customers, improve productivity and grow your bottom line 查看
Glasforms CRTM Product/Service Overview Glasforms™ CRTM™ 连续树脂传递模塑夹芯板的产品描述、价值解决方案、主要特性、市场和应用 查看
视频游戏控制器手柄 - 案例研究 案例分析 借助 Versaflex™ OM,夜光控制器手柄获得舒适优势 查看
车身底板支架 - 案例研究 案例分析 新型 Glasforms™ 复合支架为美国一家主要汽车 OEM 减轻重量并提高结构完整性 查看
Impress™ High Gloss Colorants - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (Chinese language version) 查看
Off Road - Application Bulletin Application Overview Discover how to boost impact resistance, amp up aesthetics, inject comfort, or revolutionize a standard design 查看
GLS™ Versaflex™ PF - 技术公告(中文) Product/Service Overview Versaflex™ PF 配方专为制造共挤表面保护膜而开发(中文版) 查看
Colorants & Additives for Healthcare - Application Bulletin Application Overview Essential polymer solutions for critical healthcare applications 查看
防振支脚用 TPE - 应用简报 Application Overview 使用 TPE 防振支脚,减少顶装式洗衣机的移动  查看
Stan-Tone™ HCC - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about Avient's colorants that are designed for applications in which dispersion, uniformity, compatibility and cleanliness are desired 查看
Smartbatch™ Frost Collection - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, markets and applications of SmartBatch™ Frost Collection 查看
OnColor™ R3 Recovered Black Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, markets and applications of OnColor™ R3 Recovered Black Masterbatch.  查看
电子连接器 - 案例研究 案例分析 Avient assists in creating electronic connector for a new, low-cost computer to meet technical requirements, avoid over-engineering and meet cost-performance requirements with Bergamid™ nylon material 查看
Dental Case - Case Study 案例分析 Additives to preserve clarity and retain opacity developed for dental care products using WithStand™ 查看
Stan-Tone™ Silicone Paste Colors (SP) Stan-Tone™ Colors - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview RTV Compounds, LIM system, thermoset gum rubber and color information for Stan-Tone Silicone Paste Colors 查看
GLS™ TPE - 包覆成型指南 Processing & Design Guides GLS™ TPE 的包覆成型材料选择、零件和模具设计、材料处理和准备、TPE 注塑成型、加工、最大化粘附性和故障排除指南 查看
ColorMatrix™ Quick Guide to Liquid Color Product/Service Overview Information about liquid colorants, potential applications and the value of using liquid color in your process  查看
OnColor™ SC 超浓缩技术 Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, target market and applications of OnColor™ SC Super Concentrate Technologies 查看
电线电缆 - 产品选购指南(西班牙语版) 产品选型指南 探索适用于电线电缆应用的产品(西班牙语版) 查看
用于包装的 GLS™ Versaflex™ TPE - 产品选型指南 产品选型指南 用于化妆品、个人护理和家庭包装的耐化学性解决方案 查看
What's the Difference?™填充剂和补强剂 制品 Find out more about glass and carbon fibers and their role in improving stiffness, learn about mineral fillers and their effect on dimensional stability, and explore the many metallic filler options and their benefits 查看
Paddlesports - Application Bulletin Application Overview Explore the many ways polymers can help you innovate to meet evolving consumer demands 查看
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