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Chemical Foaming Additives for PVC Processing - Case Study 案例分析 ColorMatrix™ Excelite™ helped PVC processors optimize performance, control and efficiency in the extrusion process 查看
高级烈酒瓶塞 - 案例研究(西班牙语版) 案例分析 尊贵的 Gravi-Tech 高密度瓶塞专注于烈酒行业展示的奢华感受 查看
电子连接器 - 案例研究 案例分析 Avient assists in creating electronic connector for a new, low-cost computer to meet technical requirements, avoid over-engineering and meet cost-performance requirements with Bergamid™ nylon material 查看
Aluminum Caps - Case Study 案例分析 Versaflex™ TPE used in liner for aluminum caps to keep water tasting fresh 查看
Dental Case - Case Study 案例分析 Additives to preserve clarity and retain opacity developed for dental care products using WithStand™ 查看
步枪后坐垫 - 案例研究 案例分析 定制 HIVIZ 反冲垫材料为高端步枪制造商提供卓越的后坐力减少和出色的耐用性 查看
Automotive Interior - Case Study 案例分析 Specialty color and additive Smartbatch™ concentrate developed with carbon fiber to produce desired effect for automotive interior 查看
Swiss Soldier's Pocket Knife Handle 案例分析 Bergamid™ 聚合物配方和 GLS™ TPE 替代金属,为瑞士士兵小折刀提供舒适性和实用性 查看
Exterior Automotive Trim - Case Study 案例分析 OnColor™ FX Smartbatch™ adds metallic style and improves cost performance of exterior automotive trim 查看
视频游戏控制器手柄 - 案例研究 案例分析 借助 Versaflex™ OM,夜光控制器手柄获得舒适优势 查看
Dental Floss Container - Case Study 案例分析 OnColor™ HC Colorants used to streamline color development and production of dental floss containers 查看
立式桨轴 - 案例研究 案例分析 Carbonerro™ 凭借优化的材料和制造工艺,改善中级运动者的立桨冲浪体验 查看
Automotive Door Insert - Case Study 案例分析 Elastomeric insert for automotive supplier created with d Onflex-S™ TPE styrenic block polymers for UV stabilization 查看
车身底板支架 - 案例研究 案例分析 新型 Glasforms™ 复合支架为美国一家主要汽车 OEM 减轻重量并提高结构完整性 查看
园艺喷雾器握把 - 案例研究 案例分析 OnFlex-S™ 用于 ABS 树脂手柄包覆成型 查看
分类电缆 - 案例研究 案例分析 Maxxam™ FR 聚丙烯解决方案节省成本,提高数据处理能力 查看
Power Saw Soft Protective Cover - Case Study 案例分析 Overmolded Resilient TPE used to enhance vibration damping in the boot of a power saw 查看
Cables - Case Study 案例分析 Cable manufacturer rebounds with specialized color and additive masterbatches by utilizing Colorant Chromatics™ 查看
Storage Totes - Case Study 案例分析 GLS Thermoplastic Elastomer based impact modifier used to increase stiffness, lower weight and reduce cost for a storage tote 查看
Water Storage and Purification Equipment 案例分析 Laser-marking additive, an authentication additive, and colorant— bundled into a single Smartbatch™ concentrate  查看
Electrical Junction Boxes 案例分析 OnFlex™ S HF TPE 为电气接线盒提供无卤解决方案 查看
OnCap™ Denesting - Case Study 案例分析 Avient offers OnCap™ Denesting additive solutions to enable effective package separation and improve manufacturing operations such as mold release during thermoforming and packaging pick and place operations 查看
隐形眼镜容器 - 案例研究 案例分析 定制 Versaflex™ 配方可提高隐形眼镜容器的生产效率 查看
OnCap™ Denesting - Case Study (Chinese) 案例分析 Enables effective package separation and improve manufacturing operations such as mold release during thermoforming and packaging pick and place operations (Chinese language version) 查看
医用软管 - 案例研究 案例分析 Versalloy 配方提高医用软管制造商的生产率 查看
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