

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
Edwards Design & Fabrication Inc. Focusing on Military-grade Protection for US soldiers 案例分析 Ballistic system from Edwards Design and Fabrication, Inc. relies on GlasArmor™ Panels 查看
Collaborating to Reduce Plastic Ocean Waste 案例分析 Avient collaborates with Hager Group and Plastic Bank to help reduce ocean-bound plastic waste  查看
Running Shoe Insoles 案例分析 FlexSpring insoles take advantage of unidirectional, continuous fiberglass and thermoplastics to enable next-level performance for the everyday runner. 查看
Hexagon Digimat Platform 案例分析 Collaboration with Hexagon and its Digimat Platform to more accurately predict part performance for fiber-reinforced thermoplastics 查看
Wheelchair Caster Wheels 案例分析 Customer success with Complēt™ Long Fiber to introduce lightweight composite caster wheels for improved wheelchair mobility 查看
Gun Grip Sleeves 案例分析 Eco-conscious plastisols improve the firearm experience and meet guidelines  查看
Innovative carbon fiber solutions SG pipe replacement 案例分析 Innovative carbon fiber matrix organizations and infusion formulations enable pipeline renewal 查看
Complēt™ MT Long Glass Fiber Blower Vacuum 案例分析 Complēt™ MT 40% Long Glass Fiber Impact Modified Formulation used to produce fans for lawn blowers and vacuums 查看
Complēt™ MT Long Glass Fiber Reinforced Piranha Propeller 案例分析 Complēt™ MT Long Glass Fiber Reinforced Nylon 6 used in watercraft propeller blade 查看
Complēt™ Hybrid Moisture Resistant Watercraft Steering Column 案例分析 Complēt™ Hybrid Moisture Resistant Composite material used to consolidate parts in a personal watercraft steering column 查看
Complēt™ LFT Automotive Aftermarket Side Step 案例分析 Complēt™ Long Fiber Reinforced Structural Thermoplastics used in automotive aftermarket side step 查看
Heat Sink for Rear and Fog Lights 案例分析 Design freedom, metal replacement and Thermally Conductive Formulations provide powerful solution for Elausa Electronics 查看
Modular Ballistic Protection Made Possible with Composites - Case Study 案例分析 Learn how Southern States Supplier used GlasArmor™ ballistic panels to protect electrical substations 查看
Revolve™ 三脚架 - 案例研究 案例分析 详细了解 Avient 与 Rolatube 一起采用 Polystrand 复合材料开发出的新型三脚架 查看
Hoyt VITALPOINT Grip - 案例研究 案例分析 了解 Versaflex™ 柔软触感热塑性弹性体如何提高准确性和舒适度,同时保持射箭弓的握把设计 查看
Humotech 机器人假肢 案例分析 了解复合弹簧如何在假肢性能和设计方面提供灵活性 查看
Piranha 螺旋桨 - 案例研究 案例分析 阅读以了解长纤维复合材料如何帮助 Piranha 螺旋桨增加韧性和设计灵活性 查看
复合振动输送机弹簧 - 案例研究 案例分析 制造商通过高级复合材料提高性能并降低成本 查看
Wet Grip for Surfboards - SurfCo Hawaii - Case Study 案例分析 Read how a wet grip TPE eliminated the problem of a slippery surface and enabled SurfCo Hawaii, Inc. to bring an innovative, non-abrasive grip tape to market 查看
Excelite™ IM Chemical Foaming Additives for Automotives - Case Study 案例分析 Liquid CFAs provide a top tier-1 molder with a consistent solution 查看
Smartbatch™ Solutions in Patient Mobility - Case Study 案例分析 Antimicrobial technology, custom colors and performance additives in one masterbatch 查看
Light Diffusion, Simplified - Case Study 案例分析 Achieving aesthetics and manufacturing efficiencies with a single Smartbatch solution 查看
Avient Design Impact Protection 案例分析 Design and material solutions for protective sports equipment 查看
Bettcher Industries - 案例研究 案例分析 金属替代、设计改进和 Complēt™ 长纤维技术为 Bettcher Industries 提供强大的解决方案 查看
医疗器械外壳的消毒剂耐受性 - 案例研究 案例分析 制造商使用 Trilliant HC 高性能配方提高医疗器械外壳的消毒剂耐受性 查看
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